Chapter 15

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The group sat around eating. Away from me. I didn't get food. I just got a nutrient shot from my bag by Finnick. I didn't flinch as the needle went into my arm. It would keep me alive but not feed me. My stomach was not happy, to say the least. I sighed until the capital music began to play and then the faces of the squadron started to appear. They really thought we were dead. I could see Finnick smirk and laugh when his image appeared after Paul's and mine. I was shocked to think they thought me dead. In the end, Snow appeared on the screen with a message. Oh, this had to be good.

"So Katniss Everdeen, a poor unstable girl with nothing but a small talent with a bow and arrow is dead. Not a thinker, not a leader. Simply a face plucked from the masses. Was she valuable? She was extremely valuable to your rebellion because you have no vision, no true leader among you. You call yourself an alliance. But we saw what that means. Your soldiers are at each other's throats..."

A smile bloomed on my face static took over the man's speech and a woman, who was also a target on my kill list appeared. The good old President of 13. That list was still tucked into my pants pockets.

"Good evening. For those of you who don't know me, please, allow me to introduce myself. I am President Alma Coin, leader of the rebellion. I have interrupted a broadcast from your president in which he attempted to defame a brave young woman. "A face picked from the masses," he called her. Plucked. As if a leader, a true leader, could be anything else. I had the privilege of knowing a small-town girl from the seam in district 12 who survived the Hunger Games and the Quarter Quell and rose up and turned a nation of slaves into an army! Dead or alive, Katniss Everdeen will remain the face of this revolution. She will not have died for nothing."

The smile was still on my face as I watch the seam girl.

"I had no idea I meant so much to her."

A laugh escaped me, causing some attention to look back at me as Coin continued her act.

"Her vision and ours well be realized. A free Panem with self-determination for all. In her memory, we will all find the strength to rid Panem of its oppressors. Thank you and be safe."

The screen went blank and the group looked back at me. I shrugged and stood up. I readjusted my arms before jumping over the cuffed hands bringing them to the front. The team looked at me strangely and I shrugged. I walked to the girl on fire and took a seat next to her.

"I know, at the moment, we don't like each other, but I do have to say, I think we can both agree that the two people on the Tv are the real monsters of this story. Wouldn't you say?"

The girl leaned away from me.

"I think that is enough, Kit."

Two hands came under my armpits and I was dragged away next to Finnick who had a smirk on his face. I looked at him with my own smirk.


He shook his head and took another bite from his apple. I rolled my eyes. What a flirt. I rolled my eyes at the group still didn't trust me fine.

"Snow is in his mansion."

The group looked back at me. I nodded to where his picture was on the screen.

"I been in that office a million times and was held captive there for two years. I know that room and place like the back of my hand."

Katniss moved to me with the device and set it on the table that was by me.

"Where is that?"

I shuffled closer and the group made sure to draw in closer to me as I explain. I point to where we are.

"This is us."

I then move my hand to the circle on the other side of the map.

"This is the mansion. It is about 70-75 blocks north."


I nod my head looking back at the burnet.

"Nobody knows we're alive. This is our chance."

Brought my pointer finger to the tip of my nose looking at the Mockingjay. She reached across pointing to the tall buildings around the mansion.

"These buildings. Do these look over Snow's gardens?"

I nodded confirming.

"They do."

"Then if he goes outside at all, I could get a clear shot."

"Wow, there, Girl on Fire. Snow doesn't go outside. We are getting ahead of ourselves. He may think you are dead and maybe me, but he won't risk anything until he had bodies to confirm. Whether they're looking for us or not, we are pinned down."

I looked to that second in command for help she nodded.

"Hit that button. Scan for pods."

Katniss does as told. The map lights up like Christmas. I smiled lightly. We definitely were thorough with our job.

"Every 10 steps there is a Pod."

I scuffed at the girl and brought the wrist guard tapping it making a mini-map pop up with many more on its radar.

"That doesn't include the new ones. I would doubt they updated my wrist guard but they are planting new pods every 5 hours. Moving them. They get any whiff of movement I guarantee they will plant 3 more pods on the line of the path."

The group looked at me shocked. Gale groaned.

"So we can't go anywhere in the streets."

The second in command nodded.

"And the rooftops are just as bad."

I looked over to the brother seeing them sign back and forth. I rolled my eyes until the one brother spoke up, translating.

"There might be another way. My brother knows these tunnels really well. He worked sanitation down here. Right after they made him an avox."

I rose a brow. So that is why he is quiet.

"The tunnels it is."

The group nodded and I turned to Finn with a charming smile and held out my wrist. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah no."

I rolled my eyes.

"I just helped you out. I haven't killed anyone...again...and you all know I could have if I wanted to. I choose my side the moment I took the tracker out of my guard. Snow will want my head as bad as he wasn't all of yours and if I am going into freaky tunnels, I need at least my hands to fight, if we would come across something. Out of everyone you know how much I hate tunnels Finnick. You know."

The man looked back at the group before sighing and removing the key from his pocket and unlocking the cuffs. I rubbed my wrists glad to have them free. I looked at the bag next to fin that had all my goodies.

"Oh no, no, no, cuffs are one thing, weapons, another story. When we get down there, you can have those."

I nodded understanding.

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