Chapter 17

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I woke in the basement of Tigeress's place. I remember it as her storage unit when I first came here. I looked around, I noticed Paul and Cato were still fast asleep. I smiled before untangling from the boys and walking to where Katniss sat putting together an arrow.

"You holding up ok?"

I looked at the younger girl. Hate no longer coursed through me. Memories of what really happened started to surface and my treatment was fading with the scars that littered my arms. She grabbed another arrow to fix.


I stopped her shaking hands from the arrows and attached the tail she was struggling with.

"You know it is ok to not be fine."

She didn't get to respond, as Gale stood up and started pacing. This man I swear.

"Sun's comin' up. There's some small-arm fire and could be Paylor, maybe Lyme. Rebels are close."

I looked over to my boys as Gale approached where Cressida and Pollux sat. The filmmaker played with her hands.

"This is it."

Katniss put the arrow back in the quiver just as alarms sounded and a small hologram popped up. I stood going to Cato that had clear tears forming in his eyes. I picked my boy up and watched the screen. I was still limping heavily, but it was what it was. Snow appeared on the screen and I glared at the man.

"To all capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the city circle, I am announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to the mansion. I am promising you shelter and sanctuary. All refugees, come to my home. And there you will be provided with food, medicine, safety for your children, and you will have my solemn oath to protect you until my dying breath."

I scuffed under my breath.

"Wish he'd hurry up with that last part."

"Our enemy is not like us. They do not share our values. They have never known our comfort and our sophistication. And they despise us for it. Make no mistake. They are not coming to liberate us. They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to bury us."

Katniss studied the area in which he stood. Peeta was also looking at the man intently. He was still in the mansion. The girl looked over at the baker boy.

"Is he still in the mansion?"

I looked over ready to answer but her eyes on the baker boy.


The boy looked over at the girl a bit shaken. I don't blame him. The number of times we were dragged in front of that man. I shuddered at the memory. Cato tightened his grip reminding me he was still there. I smiled down at my little boy and just kept rocking him back and forth. Paul came to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around the two of us and resting his chin on the top of my head. The boy was quiet but nodded his head.

"Yeah. I recognize the room."

Cressida paused looking at the boy.

"Where is that?"

"About five blocks away."

I handed Cato off so I could come over to the map. I pointed to our location.

"We're right here. Off the avenues...."

I slid my finger across the thin paper.

"...Mansion's here."

Katniss looked at me.

"What about the pods?"

I looked at the destroyed wrist guard. I held it up so she could see the damaged thing with blood coating it. Finnick came behind me as I shuttered remembering the creatures. A wave of exhaustion hit me and I choose to sit, while Finn steadied me. He looked at the girl getting what I was going to say.

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