Chapter 11

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Two years have passed. Kit gave birth to a beautiful Baby boy. He is now 2 years old. As expected her treatment as it did work, only partially. She still holds hate for the capital but only does what is required to her and Cato safe from Snow. She has already been sent to kill rebels which she always returns with blood on her hands. Marie hasn't been allowed to see her or Cato, due to Snow saying that Kittera is working and can't have visitors, in reality, he makes sure to whip her memories after each outing. Make sure she is fresh. The girl's main target is still Katniss Everdeen. She has been told if sighting of her would be seen, she is the first to be sent in.

Kit's POV

I stood before Snow, back straight and waiting for orders.

"Katniss is rumored to be at 2."

I rose a brow.

"You want me to go to my home district?"

The President smiled and nodded.

"Those that don't kill her, kill them and kill her. I want her head on a plater before this war gets any worse."

I felt goosebumps rise on my neck.

"I will get ready and drop Cato off at Marie's."

The man's attention looked at the girl. Her hands were clasped behind her back, hair in a braid, and her eyes cold and unforgiving.

"Marie's? You know she isn't allowed to see you."

The girl gritted her teeth.

"With respect, sir. I don't care. She is the only one I trust and if I am going to give my child to someone to look after, she will be the one to look after him. I don't know when I will return and if you are that worried I would ever hurt her you can send guards with me, but you know that little girl has me wrapped around her finger."

The man narrowed his eyes at the woman before nodding.

"Very well."

He turned back to his plans that were on his desk while I exited. I climbed the stairs two at a time where I was greeted by the giggling toddler playing with his toys on the floor. I was still stuck in the lock room they threw me in years ago. I gathered some supplies that would last the baby a while and got Cato dressed and in a stroller ready for leave. I turned, changing into all-white suit Snow gave me. Sign of the capital I guess. I stuck the katanas in my back holster and strapped on my knife belt. I tugged on the white combat mask and pulled up my mask before putting on my red button-up coat. I carried my bag and baby down the stairs. The guards stood awaiting me and I nodded and allowed them to lead me out the door and into the white car. Everything nowadays was white. If it wasn't white then it was a sign of betrayal. Everyone wore white if you were with the capital. If it wasn't for Marie and the citizens I would have turned to join the rebels when I had the chance. That chance has yet to show itself. The ride was quiet as I nursed the 2-year-old. He had his father's crystal blue eyes and noes and my blond locks. I could tell that he was going to be trouble and a looker. When we arrived at the mansion I exited the car with the guards behind me. I knocked on the door and Marie opened the door and flung her arms around my torso. I laughed and hugged the 15-year-old back.

"It is good to see you again, Marie, but I can only stay for a bit."

The girl took a few steps back tears in her eyes. I reached up and gloved my hand and whipped the tears away.

"None of that, I have an important mission for you."

The girl laughed and nodded whipping her red nose. I stood grabbing the stroller from the guards with Cato and bag in it.

"I have a very important mission, and this little guy can't go with me, I want you to watch the news, and the moment you hear...the moment you hear the rebels entering the city I want you..."

I looked back at the guards who stood behind me. I drew closer to the girl and started whispering in her ear.

"...Take you, your family, and Cato to Tigeriss. She will know when she sees you. She will keep you safe. Do not go to the mansion unless Snow directly tells you to."

I leaned back so I could look her in the eyes. More tears gathered in them but she gave me a firm nod. I kissed Cato on the head before I turned him over to the young girl. I then turned and pulled the girl into a hug.

"Keep him smiling for me."

The girl hugged me back and then the guard behind me cleared his throat signaling it was time for me to go. I sighed standing up and walking away. I didn't turn back. I couldn't. If I did. I would never return. Once in the car, I whipped my tears away.

"Take me to the trains."

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