Chapter 14

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I was up before the troops back at my window. I decided to step out against the silver building and use the escape ladder to the roof. I perched in the gravel cover landed and watched the "star squad" began moving out. The capital was quiet. It was actually quite boring. They came across and pod and I saw them set up the cameras and Katniss shoot the god-forsaken weapon she chose while I sat playing with my knife picking the dirt underneath my fingernails. They walked until sundown, only stopping every once in a while. Luckily for me, they went ahead and camped out at an abandoned restaurant across the street. I heard the sound of moving vehicles from behind. I perched over to see the incoming truck based on coloring I knew it wasn't peacekeepers. I dug around my small bag, pulling out the binoculars. I hated these things but for once I wanted to see what was going on. Better than calling in more mics again. The truck came to a stop and two people popped out before the truck rushed out. The blond was in cuffs but I would recognize that boy anywhere. Peeta still looked like shit and based on the reactions of the others, he played his role well. I smiled and shifted my guise to the other boy. He was tall and stood by Finnick with a frustrated look on his face. A gasp left my lips. This had to be a nasty trick somewhere. They couldn't be him. He was dead. He... I blinked away the tears and turned back to see what weapons he held. Peeta obviously didn't have any. I doubt any of them trusted the baker boy. Now giant look alike though, He had an ax strapped to his back. Its blade was slick black. Then two small Scythe hung on his hips in case he would lose the ax. Smart man. They knew my weak point, good thing I knew theirs. I watched the group settle in and kept a close eye on the group all night. I brought my own map up estimating their path. If they were to head straight they were to run into three halos that overlap. I smirked to myself. I can work with that. The other options would take them longer but there were plenty of halos for them to run into for me to use. I am just hoping their little cheat sheet doesn't have the same ones I do. Mine is constantly being updated but I wasn't going to take the risk of trusting the technology 100%. The sun started to come up and shuffling feet were heard. I stood, grabbing my back and re-attaching it to my back. My blades made my back soar but I needed to keep them on hand for quick use. I watched as the group gathered and Boggs handed the boy a gun. It had to be empty or the others would be freaking out.

"Look there!"

I was quick to drop to my stomach knowing that I was sighted. I hit the button on my watch.

"Keeper to the reaper, turn mics on for south street corner."

"Copy, mics are up and running."

I pressed the other buttons and listened in.

"What did you see soldier?"

I listen carefully waiting to see who was quick to sight me, to my surprise the playboy, Gale was the one to speak.

"I think Kit, is locked on our location. Top of that building, there was a flash of white."

Hmmm, the miner is smarter than I thought.

"We will worry about her later, Hawthorn. No, we are to move forward."

I heard the shuffling of footsteps and counted to twenty before shutting off the mics and taking my chance. I bounced to my feet only to have an arrow wizz past my ear. I looked down seeing the team stair at me. I made sure my mask and hood were up. I met their looks, studying them. I made the first move by running across the uneven surface. An echo went off and a bullet clipped my ankle. I lost footing making me curse under my breath and start sliding down the roof. I was quick to grab the ledge and start climbing down. Another bang went off and a bullet hit my hand making me cry out. The armored clove shattered and the bullet when right into my hand. I cursed and dropped my hold, falling to the fire escape platform. I found a window kicking it in before rushing. I curse at the injury. I removed the glove. I was lucky it didn't hit my wrist guard. I hit the communication system.

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