Chapter 20

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We were instructed to wear black. I wore black alright. I knew Marie was going to be there. I was not going to let that girl go through my hell. I don't care what Coin said. She can go to hell. The door opened and two boys walked in.

"Well don't you..."

Paul came over twirling me around.


I smiled and looked at Paul who was wearing black trousers and a black turtleneck with a button-up over it. Cato sat on our bed. He wore all black with a floppy hat which made me smile. I wore a high-low dress that was thick cotton with gold buttons along the front. The dress was long sleeves and hugged my arms. I had a few knives stored in pockets that were unknown to anyone. Marie would not go to those games. I was going to make sure of it. I felt Paul's hand stick in my pocket pulling out the knives that I stored there. He looked at them with a frown. Oh, he was not happy about this.

"Kittera, what is this?"

I grabbed the knives from his hand storing them back in my pocket.

"My insurance..."

I grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the door. I reached out my hand for Cato so she could cling to it as we walked down the steps.

"...Marie will not go into those games. I am making sure of it."

He stayed quiet as we went down. The other tributes stood there waiting. Ebinora smiled at me. Coin stepped forward as we reached the bottom.

"Kittera, I hope you understand why we are doing this."

I looked at the woman, tightening my hold on my two boys' hands. I walked past her no words were exchanged to the back where a car waited. Snow was already at the tribute center on the stage where she staired us down when we were shown off in carriages for the quarter quell. Him and all the other people that tormented me and tormented many others. I ushered the two boys into the car when I heard the door closed from the white house. The hairs rose on my neck knowing who it was. I turned to the woman, short hair and pantsuit on. She was ready for the capital. Where she was to destroy so many lives.

"Ms. need to understand. The capital people need to pay."

I forced a smile but even then it was tight.

"The people is one thing, the children is another. I was in the games when I was 13 years old. 14 when I won. You don't know the torture that is. You never will. I will not let any more children face that. Especially not Marie."

I got in the car and looked at her.

"I will see you at the announcement, madam president."

I slammed the door and nodded to the driver. He stepped on the gas to the tribute center. The lights on the building flashed by but unlike before the streets were deserted. Rubble and the dead still littered here and there. The center came up and it was dark. Very dark. I looked at the building. I was hoping I would never have to lead Cato into this building. No matter what reason. He should never have known what this building was used for. He doesn't need to be exposed to the horrors of this place. Paul stood next to me looking up at the building.

"This place is terrible."

Paul looked down at me where I was still staring up at the place that haunted so many of my dreams. He squeezed my hand a couple of times and this time her lead me in. I didn't have to have a facade on. I didn't have to wear an ounce of makeup. I wasn't leade here to kill a bunch of people or be tormented because I wanted to hold onto every memory I could. I picked up Cato and we walked the stretch of cement with the stands empty where some of the other tributes that were not at the house already say. I looked around, smiling once my eyes landed on the family with my little victor sitting between them.

Marie was out of her chair and running to me. She hugged me and Cato. Tears streamed down my face. I started to shake thinking if I didn't stop these games. This girl. This sweet lovely girl... I just hugged her tighter. I stroked her hair, confirming she is real. I sniffed in my tears and pulled away to look at the little girl. Standing up straight and taking her small one in mine.

"We need to find seats and based on your parents' smiling expressions, I know exactly where we are going to sit."

I lead the group to chairs and Marie made sure she was sitting on my side. Cato sat between Paul and me and other chairs lined next to Paul for the remaining victors and space for Beetee. I looked down the path where the other group was walking towards us to take their seats. I looked forward moving one of my hands to my pocket with the knives and the other in my lap. I looked at Marie to remind myself why I was doing this. Coin was the first to come up in her ugly blue cape. She had her hair down like always. The others filed in, Peeta sitting next to Finn and Annie who were seated next to Paul. Snow was brought out and attached to a pole, I smiled at the cruel man but I was quick to wipe it away. Then the stands filed in and at the end lined with drum players Katniss stood bow in hand. She started to walk towards us with people, soldiers filing in behind her. Once Katniss reached the end, madam president stood and approached the podium where Snow used to stand. I tightened my grip on the knife getting ready to end this madness.

"Welcome to the new Panem. Today, on the Avenue of the tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness a historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend of the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars. May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era. Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

Katniss's expression didn't change from the cold one she wore. She rose her bow and I pulled out my knife. She was aimed at Snow and then she raised and released the arrow as I stood and threw the knife. Her air went into Coin's chest and mine right into her neck, hilt deep. The echo of the crowd shutter.

"NO! Kill him! Kill him now!"

The crowd burst from the stands that were from the districts. They either went to Snow where they started beating the dying man to death. I brought Marie into my arms so she didn't have to watch as I looked at the people that were killing her grandfather. The other group went to Coin which was very much dead. Katniss was being dragged from the area by two guards. No one dared to approach me. I was protecting Marie, no one was going to touch her. Paul came behind me. He nodded to the opening and I grabbed the girl and her parents and followed the man with my heart and son in his arms. I ran after him into the dark hallway where the leaders used to enter for the tribute parade. Finn and Annie joined me in the hallway. Paul looked at the group then at me. Ebinora joined our circle with her kids holding her hands.

"What now?"

I looked back to the shut door and back at the people around me.

"We go home."

Paul smiled and looked at the group.

"Where is home?"

Finn was looking at us with a smile at his wife's questions. He looked at me which made me smile more and I nodded, encouraging him.

"We go to 4. We go home."

I nodded and looked at my fellow tributes from 2.

"We need a new start, somewhere calming. I mean I won't be swimming but the salty air will be something refreshing."

The group smiled and I looked at Marie and her folks.

"Come with us. Things will never be the same here. Come with us."

Marie looked at her parents with pleading eyes. They nodded and I smiled. The group was quick to head to the trains. It is time to go home and we did. 

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