Chapter 16

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We climbed down the tunnel under the trains. The vehicles echoed around us making me flinch at the noise and my temples continued to hurt. I shook my head trying to ease the pain but ended up swaying and falling back into Paul. He was quick to steady me.

"You ok?"

I gulped and looked around getting flashbacks from my first games. The mutts. The dripping sound. The water flooded them out. I nodded and stood straight but Paul moved to lace our fingers. I stiffened for a few seconds but relaxed after a bit. Finn came over with my bag and handed it to me. I took it with my injured hand.

"As promised."

I flashed him a smile and took out the knives securing them back in my belt. I placed some in the secret pockets and locks in the office and strapped the bag and swords to my back. I brought my mask over my nose and looked up to see the others staring at me.


They all turned back to the brothers that were nervously chatting. We rounded the corner and we let the mute man lead the way down the tunnel. It was a quiet journey but we did make it across quickly. A rush of a train drew us out of our daze and we were sprinting to the other side to hide behind the walls so no one would see us. I slowed my breathing grabbing my chest and trying to calm down. I kept picturing the mutts that chased me and Borris into the tunnels and their howls. I could picture their snapping teeth, nipping at my heels. I squeezed my eyes shut grabbing my head with my hands. I wanted them to stop.

"Hey, hey, hey, look at me."

I opened my eyes looking at the backer boy that stood in front of me as a mental breakdown started.

"What is your name?"

I looked at him like he was nuts. He stayed calm, placing his hands on my shoulders, and repeated the question.

"What is your name?"

"Kittera Hadley."

"Good, where are you from?"

"District 2."

I felt my heart beat slow and my breathing come back to normal. I lowered my hands and focused on the younger boy in front of me. He just kept going.

"When did you win?"

"The 66th Hunger Games."

"What is the name of your Fiance?"

"Paul Write."

"What is your Son's name?"

"Cato Borris Write, after the three boys I lost."

I took a shaky breath in.

"Are you good?"

I nodded a yes and drew out a knife waiting for the group that was staring at the two of us. I pretended nothing happened as the train passed. Katniss rounded the corner holding the device up to show there were no pods before looking to our guide.

"We are too exposed."

The man nodded before motioning down the hall and we all took off running, to keep up with the man. He leads us to another hatch before leading us inside. I looked up catching sight of the camera and cursed under my breath. He knew. We went down another story to where water was close around. Water our ankles. I cursed under my breath and Peeta came over next to me.

"You good."

I nodded again, before he could leave I grabbed his wrist.

"How did you know how to do that?"

The baker boy smiled at me.

"When I was still having my breakdowns from the memories, the nurses told me to repeat the things I knew for sure. The things I were sure of."

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