Chapter 13

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As expected the rebels showed. I looked down at the camps they had set up. In my time of being here, more rebellion prompts showed up. I rolled my eyes at all of them except for the one of Finnick and Annie's wedding. I cried at the two as they smiled and danced. I was happy for them. I was mad at Finn but he still deserved that happiness, even if it was temporary. He was on my kill list. Same with Peeta. At one point I would have spared them, but as time passed I knew the two abandoned me. They were on the sides of the killers. Bellow, I could see the troops around women from 8. I pressed the button on communication.

"Peace Keeper to Reaper, can you turn on the mics near base or rebel group?"

"Copy that, mics are up."

I happily hit the button on the cuff and soon the voice of the woman could be heard as she talked to the incoming troops.

"I'm commander Paylor of District 8. I'm a soldier, like all of you, so here's what I know. For the first time in our lifetimes, we're standing together with 13 districts. From what I see here, we've already made history. But history doesn't stop to celebrate. And we're facing an enemy that will not change and will never surrender. President Snow has pulled back peacekeepers to fortify the center of the city. Rumor has it that a highly trained enhanced assassin was left to do the killing. He's evacuating residents from the outer locks. These civilians will be confused and desperate. You are under orders not to target them. We're deploying medical brigades to help anyone in need. We'll show the capital people who we are. To slow our advance, along with the enhanced individual, President Snow is building a minefield of traps and lethal devices called "pods." The sadistic invention of game makers meant to make sport of our deaths.'

I was shocked as I listened, so they know. I guess they are not as stupid as we thought. I will have to compliment Beetee the next time I see him. I know his handy work when I see one.

"If our armies make it past peacekeepers and other defenses, we'll converge in the center of the city at Snow's mansion, where we won't just unlock his gates, but unshackle all of Panem. If we die, let it be for a cause and not a spectacle. If we succeed, let it be for all of Panem, and let it be forever. Yes, you've already made history. But the future, our future starts tomorrow at dawn when we march together into the capitol."

Well, I will be damned they are targeting the heat. Smart. I wasn't going to warn Snow of their plans. I could care less if he lived or died. These people were not targeting citizens so I will stick to my assignment. Follow the prompt team. I looked back down at the group and the glimmer of a bow and braided hair made me smile. As expected the little bird just couldn't stay away. I guess that armor shit she wore was stronger than expected. Way to go Cina. I will be damned. I tapped the button as I watched the girl join her group.

"Hawthorne, Everdeen, come meet your new unit. I'm lieutenant Jackson, and I wanna introduce you to your squad. This is second lieutenant Mitchell, the best sharpshooter in Panem. These are the leeg sisters. Fist combat division. And this it corporal homes."


I rose an eyebrow at the girl's question. I will be damned I will have three targets in one. I pulled out the paper and wrote the other name down for termination. These were my targets.

"Are you with us?"

"Looks like it."

"That was a short honeymoon."

"Yeah, well, I guess we're gonna have to one in the capital."

A smile appeared on my lips. Same old Finnick. Too bad I will have to kill him then the next voice came in and a smile broke on my face. Boggs was here. All in one place. They gathered around a lady who came in with a machine that made me scrunch up my brows. Where in Panem did they get that?

"Gather 'round. Squad 451, you're my unit. Lieutenant Jackson is my second-in-command. Each one of you is elite in some form of combat. But we are a non-combat unit. So we'll be following days being the front-line troops. You're to be the onscreen face of the invasion. "The star squad." It's been decided that you're most effective when seen by the masses."

"So we're not gonna fight?"

"You'll do whatever you're ordered to do, soldier. It's not your job to ask questions."

"Yes, sir."

You tell them, Boggs. I smiled but continued to listen to their plan I guess I get to sit around for a few more days. I am not complaining.

"Our instructions are the shoot propaganda footage on the battle-scarred streets of the capitol. You were handpicked to intimidate their forces. And inspire surrenders. Even though we'll be working on abandoned streets miles behind the front lines, I guarantee you, wherever they put us, it will not be safe. This is a war zone. It is likely that we'll encounter both active pods and peacekeepers. Being on the star team will have you higher on the kill list meaning don't be surprised if the assassin chooses our team to attack..."

"...Do we have any idea who the assassin is?"

I smiled and looked at my wrist it was quick to disappear when Finn spoke.

"Kittera Hadley, we are under strict orders to not shoot, injure if needed but we are to take her in alive."

So they do know. Hmm, interesting. I focused back into Boggs.

"You're considered high-value targets to the capital. In the event of capture, you'll be given a nightlock pill. A poison that acts immediately. Lieutenant Jackson, do the honors."

Due to my height, I couldn't really see what they were doing so I turned away from the window to prevent risk and stuck to listening.

"I've already briefed you on the pods. I remind you, they are on every block. Our unit has been given a halo. A database that contains a detailed map of the capital and a list of every known pod..."

I will be damned, these people are surprising me more and more. I guess my job just got a little bit harder.

"...Those pods can trigger anything from bombs to traps to mutts. We cannot move without this device. There's no guarantee that our database is complete. There could be new pods that we're not aware of. Because we don't want the game makers to know we have this intel, it has a self-destruct on it. You flip this switch, say "nightlock" three times, and it blow itself and anything within a 10-foot radius. Stay within our unit. Even with the halo, it is likely that new pods have been set. Whatever they contain, they are meant to kill you."

I smile, they had no ideas.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome the 76th Hunger Games."

I laughed at Finnick and turned the mics off for the night. I guess we will be moving bright and early in the morning. 

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