Chapter 1

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Everything was quiet this morning. It was peaceful. Marie wore a lovely white dress and was quick to finish her breakfast.

"I take it you are ready for school."

She smiled at me with a nod. I laughed and stood grabbing her coat and mine.

"Then I guess we should get going, we are walking this morning, then I need to meet your grandfather at the tribute center."

She puts on her coat and looks at me. For a preteen she was mature. She glances at me while I put on my own coat. Worry coats her features. 

"You sure you have to go, grandpa said you got pretty ill last time you went."

I smiled at the girl's concern. I took her hand give it a gentle squeeze and began our normal walk. I always took her to school since the start of my stay. She was familiar. I could protect her and I always was able to calm her down before she had to face her friends at school who, lately have been giving her a hard time about the games and the war that war brings.

"If I stay out of the medical area, the chemicals won't make me sick and I told him I would meet him there. Sides, I will have a few old friends there to meet up with. I can't ignore them forever."

She sighed and looked back up at me before looking down at her shoes. I chuckled.

"What is it, Marie? I know when you are hiding something."

I watched as the young girl's ears turned red. She met my eyes while we walked.

"I am just worried that your friends will attack you again. You almost died because of them."

I smiled and came to a stop outside the girl's school. I crouched down so I was closer to her height even though she was at the age where I didn't have to go very far to reach her height.

"We were in the games. We were in survival mode. I won't get hurt again. There will be plenty of security to make sure of that. Now..."

I reached to readjust her straps and fix her hair and smooth out her coat as a mom would.

"...You have school and it is going to be a great day. I will see you afterward for dinner with your parents. And who knows, maybe you will be able to invite one of your friends this time."

I sent her a wink causing her to blush. She knew who I was talking about as she has told me about this boy that she befriended that so happened to be the little girl's crush. She was quick to hug me which I returned and I could feel the stairs on the two of us by the other kids. I couldn't help but smile when the girl let me go and ran to her group of friends. I made sure to wave politely to all the kids and parents passing by. They were now used to my presence in taking the young girl to school. The first day consisted of autographs and pictures with countless people. Old, young, tweens you name it, I probably either signed something for them or took a photo with them. I made sure the group of kids all made it inside before I continued my walk to the tribute center. It wasn't far from the school. It was only a few blocks. It would take a few minutes but I left early enough with the young girl that I should be able to make it there by the 10:00 scheduled time. The city was particularly quiet today. It was a cloudy day and I could feel the moisture in the air. It was more than likely going to rain. I smiled at the thought of rain. I have always loved the rain. Even when I was a little girl. I always found it peaceful. The feeling of cold drops hit your skin making goose bumps rise on your skin and a smile to form on your lips as you twirled around in the water and puddles that were forming on the ground. It was the best feeling. I knew in my first games that it was a good resource. It gave me drinking water and a chance to wash off after a few kills. I pulled the hood up on my jacket as I knew that near the center there were rumors of rebels spying in the area. It was important to keep my involvement with Snow to a minimum. With Marie, it was one thing. With Snow, I could become a weapon that they could hold against him. It is part of the reason why I was told to carry a knife with me no matter where I went and why I started walking the girl to and from school. I would make sure to hurt anyone that would attempt to hurt that little girl. She was a rose in a brutal world and she didn't deserve that kind of violence around her. The tribute center was dark and there were two guards stationed outside the main doors by the train tracks. I was a bit confused and as I drew closer the one guard was quick to draw his weapon.

"Name and reason?"

I moved my hand to grab my knife and my other hand pulled down my hood.

"Kattera Hadley. I was requested to come under President Snow."

The man clicked a button by his ear, said some things then nodded and put his weapon away and restationed by his post. I looked at the two men uneasy and made my way into the building. Once I saw the makeup and dress teams hard to work on the three tributes that were standing on podiums being prompted and transformed I understood the new security detail. Jo was the one to see me and I was quick to raise my hood. Why would Snow bring me here when I wasn't supposed to be seen with the other tributes. They weren't meant to know my condition. I tried to make it to the elevators but I knew I wasn't going to make it far with my presence being known.

"Kittera! Look at me!"

I froze going stiff and I heard the drawing of a gun. I felt my heart rate increase and I turned holding my hand up as I turned to face the girl I barely recognized. Her hair was buzzed off and the stylist was currently trying to fit her with a wig. She was very frail and her skin now had more of a yellow hue to it. Her lips were chapped and blue and deep bags hung under her eyes. I gestured for the man to put the gun down as I walked toward the girl on the podium. I made sure to keep my eyes cold and face neutral.

"Johanna, a pleasure to see you again."

The girl rolled her eyes and I could feel the stares of the other two as I approached the girl.

"Wish I could say the same to you. Skipping around here all fine and dandy."

I scuffed.

"No thanks to you."

She muttered under her breath and looked at me with a sneer.

"They really did turn you into a mutt. Hopefully, they didn't do that to your child too."

I automatically lowered my hands to my stomach.

"If you feel that way, you have no one to blame but yourself."

I went to turn away but I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I ducked my shoulder turning to grab the girl's hand and putting it in a lock to make her hunch over and bend to ease the pressure.

"Don't...touch me."

I let go of her hand and looked at the clock.

"Great you made me late."

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and went back to the elevators nodding at the guards with a smile. I hit the up button and waited for the doors to open. 

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