Chapter 5

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Kit's Pov.

I woke up with a groan. The floor beneath me was cold and everything around me was white.

"Kit?! Oh, thank God Kit!"

I groaned again and shifted to sit up leaning against the white bars. I looked up to see Jo at the bars in front of me with a look of worry. I knew she was the one calling my name as I could hear the doors next to me open and someone being thrown in. Based on the very male grunt I would imagine it was Peeta that was my other cell neighbor. I cleared my eyes a bit more to see Jo. Actually, see her. She was still bald but she look skinny and sickly. She did not look good. She had bruises covering her head to toe. The whites of her eyes were yellow and deep bags were beneath them. Her cheeks were sunken from the amount of nutrition she was lacking. I couldn't turn to see how Peeta looked as the pain was still pounding behind my eyes from the blow I took to the back of the head.

"I see you fought through the mutt serum again."

I nodded and brought my hands to both sides of my head.

"Snow was not happy. I doubt I will be here much longer..."

I looked at Jo with tears starting to come running down my face again.

"Jo...I am their plan. Peeta and I...They plan on brainwashing us..."

"We know..."

I turned my head to see Peeta leaning against the bars heavily. He looked tired. He was considerably skinnier than before. His skin was more yellow and sweat clung to his skin and his hair was matted and greasy.

"They are already making progress with me...I imagine they plan on using the method on you as well."

Before Peeta could say more my cell door opened and the President stepped in.

"Grab her."

I didn't make a move as two men grabbed me and started to remove me from the cell with the president. They lead me to the room at the end where the screams came from when I visited. The door shut behind us and I was placed in a metal chair. Straps were locked on my limbs and two metal prongs were attached to my temple. Next came a doctor and nurse. I looked at Snow with hate in my eyes.

"Do what you have to? She is to be whipped clean. The method is working on the boy, make it work on her."

With that Snow walked out and machines were turned on. The nurse was quick to unwrap my bandage from my arm and jam the yellow liquid in my veins. With a nod pain. So much pain went through me. Volts of electricity went through my brain making my mind go mush and my throat go raw as screams echo around me. I felt my eyes start to ring and then it stopped. Images were shown. Images of Cato being killed by Katniss. Images of Mitch killing Paul. Images of me killing Borris. Image after Image of brutal things. Betrayal. Soon lies became truth and they muddled together. Another dose went through me and then pain again. My screams returned and I could feel the blood start to come dripping out of my nose as sweat clung to my neck. If they kill me they kill my baby. I will not let them kill my baby. I gritted my teeth and forced my screams to stop. I forced myself to deal with the pain as they showed me images after images. When things would go quiet in here I could hear fight outside. I heard the other three protesting as whatever was happening happened. Then the pain came through me again. I didn't scream. I didn't fight I just welcomed it until I was numb to it. The process repeated until I could barely distinguish who was a friend and who was an enemy then Snow walked in again. I looked at the man in white and I didn't fight. I didn't glare I just looked at him. He smiled at my state.

"Perfect, she will be ready to present. Take her to Celine."

3rd POV

Katniss stepped off the elevator with Gale. They were returning from hunting when the TV flickered on and Flickerman was talking on the TV with Peeta again. Paul stood frozen looking at the other captive, all in white, all skinny and covered in makeup much like Peeta.

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