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Dear Katniss,

I know by this point you have gotten the letter from Annie so I won't repeat the information about everyone. The only ones I care about are Annie and Finn, Gale and I never got along anyway. Cato is growing every day and looks a lot like my brother. He is now 5 years old. Can you believe 2 years have passed? The twins being 2 are already shown to be a handful. Marie also found herself a man, I have yet to stop giving the teen a hard time. As Annie said, their son is a lot like Finn, he and Cato are always getting in trouble with their fathers not too far behind to join the children's chaos. Annie and I usually spend the day on the beach with the twins watching the boys doing something stupid. We've suffered so much, but the memories are important as we are able to keep our families safe.

I hope you and Peeta are doing well. That you have found your person and your peace. I hope that you have found your way and that our favorite drunk is finding his peace. I have had the president reach out to join security but the weapons that sometimes still lie around my house are well retired. I don't think I will be able to touch another weapon again. It is a world that I want to leave in the past.

I took a job as a school teacher here in 4. It is the best job I have ever taken. To see the students grow is amazing. Finn is working as a water instructor and fishing. Paul is putting his 7 roots to use as a woodworker. He has become quite the woods smith. I hope you have found your peace and place in 12. Also, don't be a stranger girl on fire. You are missed here. You and Jo both are.


Kittera Write.

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