Chapter 10: What A Boy Said

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Okay, so the central nervous system consists of the urm... the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral one is made of .....urm ah....

"It's made of..." I tap the pencil to my head, trying to remember.

Okay, I don't remember.

"The lymphatic system is the..."



Shit. Come on, I'm just from studying this stuff, how can it disappear that quick? Yeah, I don't remember. I need a snack.

I get off my bed and head downstairs. The aroma coming from kitchen has my taste buds tingling.

"Uhm, dad what's cooking?"

"Sunday night diner," Dad winks. "The usual."

He doesn't work Sundays and this is one of those Sundays he doesn't go out with his patients for one on one therapy sessions, or as I like to call them.

Dad's wearing a kiss the cook apron under the white t shirt and brown pants. He looks carefree and very unlike the grumpy doctor he usually is during weekdays. But I must admit, he looks much happier since we moved, maybe this is what he needed to get away from the hurt of mom's passing.

"Lasagna," I grin.

"Yep. You still studying?"

"Break time," I nod as I head to the fridge for a bottle of water, "I'll continue after dinner."

Ding dong.

"Set the table, let me get the door." Dad orders taking off his apron.

"Aye aye."

Ding dong.

After a few seconds, I hear dad open the door then followed by an awkward, 'hello,' from him.

"Hi, Skyler's dad? goodevening, I'm Jana. We live across the street, I don't believe we've met." A jolly voice rants.

Wait a second, I know that voice.

"Goodevening, nice to urm... meet you," dad's voice stummers, he's not a very social person.

"Yeah, finally. We love to give new folks a special kind of welcome but my son told me you're rarely around because of your work. Caleb speaks very highly of you."

"You're his mom?"

"I sure am,"

And that's when I decide to come out from the kitchen cause God knows how much dad will struggle talking to people, who aren't me or his workmates, no wonder he has just a limited number of friends.

"Sky, there you are," dad's eyes which seem relieved beam at me, "this is Caleb's Mom."

"We've met," I say awkwardly, "hi Mrs Canosa."

"Hey Skyler, we decided to pay you guys a visit, and finally meet your Dad."

I'm sorry, did she say 'we'?

And as if reading my mind, Mrs Canosa says, "sorry where are my manners," she laughs lightly, "this is my other son, Noah."

And that's when my heart stops, or my mouth drops, or both.

"Caleb couldn't come, he had other plans." And so you brought the devil along? I wonder if she blackmailed him cause he doesn't seem delighted to be here. "We brought you some pie as an official welcome gift." Mrs Canosa smiles, "sorry it didn't come sooner but I hope you like apple pie, it's home made."

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