Chapter 11: Break Ups

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Beep beep

I make an angry face at Caleb, who in response shrugs innocently and mouths, 'what?'

Oh so we'll play pretend, huh?

I grab my phone from my bag without looking. I hate it when Caleb texts while we're in class, he's annoying like that. But it surprises when I notice it isn't him.

Lucas: Hey

What the...

Furrowing my brows, I stare closer at the screen, not believing he actually remembered I exist. Just when I decide to ignore him, two more messages come through.

Beep beep

Lucas: u busy?

Lucas: we need 2 talk

Wow. Is Lucas for real? We haven't talked in weeks and now he just appears out of nothingness demanding we gotta talk?

Me: guess who just texted. I immediately text Olly. It takes only a few seconds before he responds.

Olly: that small dicked ball-less toy u call a boyfriend?

Boyfriend? Is he still my boyfriend after so long of not talking and or seeing each other?

Me: how did you know?

Olly: cause if it was someone more interestin, u wud hav waited yrs before tellin me

Me: okay! no need to be mean!

Me: but yes, says he wants to talk

Me: what should I do?

Olly: I dunno.

Olly: tell him to fuck off

Me: maybe I should at least listen to what he has to say?

Olly: r u 4 real Skyler! De fck!

Olly: don't let him take you for granted just cause you'll always be waiting, Sky. Come on you're better than this

Wow. Since when does Olly write speeches? Only when he's dead serious about things.

Me: waiting for what? I tease.

Olly: his short orgasms, hello!

Olly: now leave me the fck alone, I got class

And that's how we end our conversation. I sigh after reading Lucas's message again.

What should I do?

Images of him and girl on Instagram flood my mind with Olly's words ringing in my head, creating more and more doubt. Goddamnit!

'Everything okay?' Caleb mouths when he notices me tossing the phone with some attitude.

My response is an annoyed scrunch of my face, then I focus back on the physics lesson.

I haven't had a great beginning of the week so far after the Noah incident and getting a D in a math test, now I gotta deal with this? Urg!

A sigh of relief escapes my lips when the bell goes. Finally done with Monday.

"Why were you being weird?" Caleb approaches me as most of our classmates scatter out of the room.

"Sorry, thought it was you texting me."

"And what's so wrong with that?" Caleb smirks. "Need I remind you I'm the hottest guy at this school? Girls would kill just to have my number."

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