Chapter 31: Our Own Rage

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Noah barely parks in the driveway between our houses when I literally jump out of his backseat and begin rushing fot our front door.

I didn't say a single word on the ride here, neither did he. We were both so stuck in our own rage that we couldn't get a word a out. I could tell he was upset cause of how tight his hand was around the steering wheel, knuckles almost turning white as if red wasn't good enough. And his jaw clenched everytime he looked at me in the rearview mirror that I kept wondering why he took me in the first place.

As for me, well I'm livid. And I know if I spend a second more with that devil, I might go to jail for committing murder. I mean who the hell does he think he is to push me away, then come to a party and beat up a guy I was dancing with and go top it off, he carried me out of there like some neanderthal!

I feel Noah's heavy footsteps following behind, making me rush to unlock the door in the hope of getting away from him. I'm quick to open and try to close but Noah holds the door. I try pushing back but with a single hand, he overpowers me and enters the house.

"What the hell are you doing, get out!" I spit, motioning to the door. And when he does nothing except stare, I get even more angry. "Are you fucking deaf? I said leave."

His eyes narrow, becoming darker and his face hardens. Now all the confidence is knocked out of me because him standing there and looking like a man on the verge of murder, has me shaking in the legs.

"Get out," the second I speak is when I regret it. My tone is weak and timid and he doesn't miss it.

"Hm?" He tilts his head in mockery, taking a dangerous step closer, I step back.

"I said leave."

My breathing escalates and my chest heaves up and down making him stare.

For some reason, heat covers my body as he slowly looks at my covered chest. Memories of our previous encounters flash through my mind that it makes my nipples hard, like really hard.

No, snap out of it, Skyler! You need to control your thoughts.

"Did you not hear me?" My voice comes out more firm and hard. "I said lea--"

The rest of my words are swallowed when he swoops in and kisses my lips. I fight him for like 0.5 seconds before I let the euphoric feeling overpower me.

The familiar feel of his soft yet possessive lips on mine has my toes curling. I part my lips on a breath. His tongue slips into my mouth, and my brain switches off. I hook my arms around his neck, holding him close, loving the feel of his soft hair.
He equally slides his fingers into my hair, and angles my head exactly where he wants it, so he can kiss me deeper.

It's possessive. He is possessive.  And I'm loving every second of it.

It's raw and needful. Desperate. Hungry. Like it's something we both need for long but kept each other starved.

But then reality strikes me dead in the ass when his words from our last meeting ring in my head.

"Stop," I breath out, putting a hand to his chest and pushing him back.

I take a few steps back, needing some space, needing to breathe. I'm so stupid for letting this happen especially since he made himself pretty clear that I was just passing the time for him, nothing else. That and he insulted me concerning Caleb.

"Why?" He rasps.

"Why?" I spin. His lips are swollen, probably mirroring mine. "Why? Are you actually kidding me?"

"Yeah Skyler," he temporary dips his head to reach my height, "fucking why?"

"Because I am not to do with as you please, Noah. I am not your toy."

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