Chapter 25: Hideaway

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I'm gonna post it on the school website.

I'm gonna post it on the school website.

I'm gonna post it on the school website...

Post it....

Then everyone is gonna know that about me. The whole school.

I'm so lost in my head that I don't notice we've reached my place and Noah keeps saying my name.



My voice comes out soft and small, weak. Just like now I'm feeling. Barb has me in the palm of her hands and I feel so helpless, I can't do anything.

Noah speaks but there's nothing being caught by my ear except for my name.

"Can you please take me somewhere else, I don't want to be here."

He scrutinizes me for a few seconds as if trying to read my mind. I'm thankful he doesn't question anything, just starts driving away from our houses and into the dark night. Harry Styles' little freak starts playing softly.

Tears stream down my face but I hold the sobs, not wanting him to notice I'm crying.

I hate Lucas and everything he represents. I'm so mad at everything and everyone. Especially at myself. How could I be so stupid that I let him piss me off in public and toss such sensitive words left and right.

An ugly sob escapes and I don't notice we've stopped until Noah opens my side of the door.

"Hey," he whispers, pulling me into a hug.

His familiar scent captivates me, muscular arms wrap around me, warmth enveloping me that I don't feel so exposed anymore. I melt right into him.

We stay like that for a while, probably minutes. I appreciate that he doesn't let me go until I lift my head off his shoulder. "What is this place?"

We're parked outside a two story house, made of red bricks and smaller than ours.

"Wait here," he instructs.

He then heads to the guy covered in tattoos on just his left arm, standing by the doorway with a cigarette in his hand, he seems to have been there for a while. I remember him from one time he came over at the Canosas with Noah, his name just keeps slipping my mind.

Him and Noah do that half hug guys do and talk for a few seconds before the guy looks over at me, then a smile spreads across his face. He nods and Noah comes back to me.

He then holds out a hand, "come."

With shaking hands, I take it and he leads me to the house.

"Jesse, you remember Skyler." That's his name.

"Nice to see you again, Skyler," he stresses my name, giving me that warm smile. "Come on in."

"Thanks," I mutter softly.

Jesse leads us to the darkened living roomroom, only illuminated by the TV. There's two girls, each situated on either side of a guy, who also has a cigarette in his mouth. There's a bunch of bear bottles on the table, floor, everywhere actually.

"Look who's here," Jesse says. "Play nice you two." He then grabs a beer from the fridge, kicking it closed and opening the bottle with his teeth.

"Well ,well, well," the guy with the cigarette says, "fancy seeing the likes of you in these parts."

"Good seeing you too, Conrad." Noah huffs behind me.

"Hmm," Conner hums, a sinister smile crossing his face as he eyes me head to toe. "Is that a peace offering, because I'm liking it."

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