Chapter 3: Newbie

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I hear the sound of chirping birds outside before feeling strong light burning my eyes,I roll to my side and pull my blanket closer.

Wait....Chirping birds? Sunlight? Morning?

I jolt up quickly,rub my eyes to adjust my vision in the light and grab my phone from the nightstand

6:41 AM

Oh thank heavens,I thought I was late. I exhale as I put a hand on my chest to calm my thudding heart.

I let my eyes wander around my beautifully decorated new room which is three times bigger than the one I had in San Diego. The whole room is cream coloured with a few paintings of skyscrapers hanging on the walls. The huge window with a beautiful view of the city lets the sunlight come to brighten the room,I can't believe this is actually my room.

I get out of my warm queen sized bed and head to the bathroom,I quickly do my morning routine and head downstairs with a backpack over my shoulder, I look around and there are still some boxes which need unpacking but I'll do that later.

"Morning princess" dad greets me,leaning on the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee in his large hands written 'best dad'.

I chuckle. "Morning"

"I'll drop you off at school since you're not yet familiar with the area" he says as he  waves a hand around and takes another sip

I frown. "Okay"

I'm not up for the idea of being taken to school by my dad like a 4 year old.

I have my breakfast and grab dad's car keys from the counter.

"I'll wait in the car" I announce as I walk to door,dad's been talking on the phone for a while now, I don't want to be late on my first day.

There are big palm trees surrounding the houses around, this place is quiet, aside from the sound of cars, chirping birds and the breeze blowing the trees,there's no one around,ever.

The only person I've met is Caleb,our new neighbor,he invited me to hung out with him which I nicely turned down.

Speak of the devil,Caleb just walked out of their house.

The houses here are wire fenced so it's easy to see what your neighbor is up to.

He's wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans,a backpack hanging on one shoulder and his brown short hair looks messy,like he just woke up,he's a really good looking guy.

He smiles and waves at me when he notices am staring, I awkwardly wave back before getting in the passenger seat of dad's car.


Dad drops me off and I quickly run out of the car, trying to find where the principal's office is.

After alot of turning in different hallways, I finally find it.

Principal's office

I see no waiting outside so I knock on the door. "Come in"
"Morning Mrs Lee" I greet her reading her name on the name card.
"Morning dear" Mrs Lee looks like she's in her mid fifties with her short blonde hair with some white strands.
"So, you are Skyler Stone from San Diego"she says as she flips some papers in a folder. Not knowing if that was a statement or a question I reply "Yes ma'am"

"Your grades are wonderful, you should keep up the good work" she says as she flips some more papers.

"What do you want to study in college"

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