Chapter 28: Happy Birthday?

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It's my birthday!

A not so happy one cause instead of waking up to the smell of Dad's special pancakes for breakfast, the sun blasts through my window, leaving me half blind.

Groaning, I turn to my side, covering my face with a pillow when annoyance fills me after realizing my sleep won't be so kind as to come back right away.

"Arghh!" I scream in the pillow.

But instead of sulking, I decide to make the best of today even if the whole world is pissed at me. I force myself out of bed, and do my morning routine. I make sure to wash my hair and shave every hair on my body. Who knows, might just get lucky tonight.

"Is it just me or did your ass get bigger?" That's Olly on facetime.

He got me this pretty red dress. Its lacy, showing the skin in the sleeves, on my waist and a little thighs , then the lace reaches just below my knees

"I think it did," I eye myself in the mirror. "And this dress is doing it so much justice. Thanks by the way, I love it."

"It wasn't for you," Olly rolls his eyes. "It's for making Noah come in his pants so he can finally fuck you."

I laugh once. "How'd he fuck me if he already came in his pants?"

"Easy, he's a sex god." He winks, making me laugh harder. "So, has he said anything about today, something like having special long and sweaty birthday sex?"

I look at my reflection as I respond. "He doesn't know it's my birthday."

"No!" That makes my darling best friend seethe, "are you fucking kidding me, how and why does he not know? You're literally breastfeeding the guy and he doesn't even know you've turned 18?"

I cringe, "can you not say it like that?"

"Is there another way of saying it? You could be 14 for fucks sake!"

Over my shoulder, I flip Olly the bird then arrange myself when there's a quick knock on the door before it slightly opens.

"Urm-- come in?" I say unsurely when they clearly opened but decided against entering.

Dad slowly comes in, nodding at me. I'm relieved to see he doesn't look as upset as before. But the wrinkles of stress appear under his eyes, along with some dark circles.

The tension settles in the room that j feel uncomfortable even though it mine, so much so, that Olly abandons me in the lion's den with a, "Sky, I'mma call later."

Dad says nothing.

"Goodmorning," I carefully greet, staring at Dad through the mirror.

It takes a few seconds before he unglues himself from the doorway and enters the room further.

"Your mother saved you these," he gets straight to the point as he retrieves a small box before opening it, "she wanted to give them to you on your eighteenth birthday."

I stare at the pearl earrings with tears blurring my vision.

I remember them.

They were Mom's favorite, and she'd never let me touch them despite knowing how much I adored them. She only wore them on special occasions, like their wedding, on anniversaries and her birthday. Finding out she wanted me to have them, and Dad keeping them all these years, I can't help the sob that escapes me.

"Thank you so much." I whisper, wiping my eyes before getting the small box.

Turning back to the mirror, I look at my reflection as I put on the earrings, and my word...

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