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"Beau, get off my clothes!" Sylvia hits him over and over again with a towel that she had in her hand.

"Hey! Ow! I'm sorry." Beau scrambles off the bed as Sylvia hits him again. "Ow! So abusive today."

"Yeah, well, no one told you to come in here and start acting like a maniac." Sylvia folds a pair of shorts.

Beau rolls his eyes ignoring her as he picks up a very showing bikini that was on his best friends bed. "Ouu, is this to show Conrad what he's missing?"

"No." Sylvia quickly says and Beau gives her a look. "Maybe."

Beau laughs and throws the bikini at her. Sylvia hits him with the towel again. "Don't act like you didn't purposely forget to put shirts in your suitcase because you want to show your body off to Jere."

"Can you blame me?! I need to get with him somehow!" Beau exclaims before he sighs dreamily. "Jeremiah Fisher will be mine this year."

"And I am 100% helping you guys get together." Sylvia puts the bikini in her suit case.

"And I'm 100% going to get you and Conrad back together." Beau states.

Sylvia frowns moving the clothes from her bed and sits down, Beau next to her. "I-I just want answers from him. I want to know why he shut me out. I want to know if he still...if he still loves me because if he doesn't, I don't know how I'll get over him. It's been 4 months and—."

"And we're going to figure all that out." Beau wraps an arm around her. "Don't get too into your head. Just relax, okay?"

"Okay." Sylvia nods.

"Good, now did you take your pill?"



"Do not accuse me of such—fine I lied."


"Steven, I'm driving next." Sylvia declares as they walk into a gas station store.

"You are not." Steven shows her the keys in his hand. "I have keys."

"Not anymore." Beau comes and snatches the keys out Steven's hand and tosses them to Sylvia who happily catches it.

"Beau! Come on, man." Steven whines.

"Sorry, man." Beau pats his back. "You'll be fine."

"Exactly." Sylvia smiles at him and then she walks away over to her little sister, who was by the Cheetos. "What drink, Bel?"

"Dr.Pepper, please." Belly says through a mouthful of Cheetos.

"Ew, swallow your food next time." Sylvia groans playfully grabbing a Sprite for herself and a Dr.Pepper for her sister.

Belly chuckles as they walk to the cashier. Sylvia places her things then and then helps her sister do the same.

"Are you new this summer?" The guys eyes Belly as he scans the items.

"Uh..." Belly looks to her sister who gives her look. "Me? N-No."

"Really? Hmm." The guy hums. "Thought I knew every pretty girl in Cousins."

"I guess you didn't." Beau joins them throwing all his snacks down pushing the two girls aside.

"Beau!" The two sisters shout at him.

"You were in my way!" Beau defends.

Sylvia rolls her eyes and looks to the guy. "Can you pack it all up and give it to my sister please? Thank you."

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