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Conrad walked into the hospital room his girlfriend was currently in. After having a conversation with his mother and brother, Jeremiah drove them here. He caught sight of Laurel, John, Steven and Belly talking to the doctor before he walked into the room.

The moment he saw her, Conrad didn't want to leave her side. He couldn't. When he walking in, he saw Beau sitting in the chair next to her bed, clutching onto her hand.

Conrad moved to the other side of the bed, not taking his eyes off his unconscious girlfriend. Sylvia was pale, her forehead was wet from sweat. Her nose a bit swollen, purple and blue, from when Jeremiah accidentally elbowed her. Not broken...thank God.

Conrad slowly takes her hand in his, trying to ignore all the wires she had hooked up to her arm and hands.

"Wake up, pretty girl. We need you up." Conrad says in a whisper, his eyes watery. Seeing his girlfriend like that was a lot to take in. It hurt him to see her hooked to machines, unconscious.

The door to the room opens and the Conklin family runs in. Steven and Belly burst into tears at the sight of their sister. Beau gets up, allowing them to go next to her as he goes to Conrad's side.

"What-What's did the doctor say?" Conrad stutters out. Susannah and Jeremiah coming in and going next to him and Beau.

Laurel wipes a tear from her face. "Sylvia hasn't been taking her pills, it caused her body to go weak. Instead of slowly weakening her, it hit her, uh, all at once. Plus all the stress. It-It made it worse."

Conrad looks over at his girlfriend. He blamed himself. He should've made sure she was constantly taking them. He should've watched her. He let out a sob. "I-I should've help her. I should've known sooner. I should've paid more attention. I—."

"Don't do that." Steven snaps at him, tears streaming down his face. "This is on all of us. Not just you, Conrad. Don't blame yourself."

"If anything." Belly sniffles. "You're the last person to blame. You made her smile and happy, that's why she didn't crash sooner. I was the one that did the most damage."

Conrad lets out another sob, Jeremiah pulls his brother into his chest, allowing him to cry. Beau was just speechless, he didn't know what to say or do. All he knew was that he needed to break down and that's what he did.

"I can't lose her!" Susannah took the boy into her embrace as he cried into her shoulder. "I already lost my parents, if I fucking lose her, I'm losing it all! I-I can't lose her."

Conrad sobbed harder, the words Beau spoke leaving them all with one question in their head.

What if they lost her? What if this was her end?

Why couldn't Conrad just have a happy ending with the girl he loved most in the world? Why couldn't they just have peace?


The next morning, Conrad sat sleeping in the chair next to his lovers bed. Beau went out to use the bathroom. The family had decided that Conrad and Beau, together, should be the ones to stay with Sylvia in the room, watching over her. The two boys didn't hesitate to agree.

Sylvia woke up with a low grunt. Her eyes were squinted as she adjusted to the light. She rubbed her eyes making the blurriness go away. It was then she caught sight of the all the wires attached to her hand and arm.

Her eyes snap wide open as she eyes the wires, moments of last night hitting her, slapping her right in the face. She frantically looks around the room and frowns when she realizes she's in the hospital.

That frown quickly changes to a smile when she catches sight of a sleeping Conrad. She moves her weak hand up and over to touch Conrad's leg.

At the sudden touch, Conrad jumps awake. His eyes lock with a pair of tired, slightly red ones. Conrad instantly stands and takes her hand into his grasp. "You're awake."

"Hey, bubs." Sylvia gives him the best smile she could put in her lips after being unconscious for so long. Her voice, coarse, she let out a cough. "Water."

Conrad goes to the little side table and grabs the small bottle of water, he opens it for her and brings it up to her lips, helping her drink the water.

When she's done, Conrad closes the bottle back up of her and looks back to her, he takes her still cold face into his warm hands making her let out a small sigh at his touch.

"You're wake." Conrad repeats the same sentence he said moments before a big smile on his face.

"I'm awake." Sylvia whispers back. Conrad lets a tear slip down his face before he pulls his girl into a firm kiss.

"I thought you weren't going to wake up." Conrad mumbles against her lips. "I so fucking scared."

"I would never leave you." Sylvia pecks his hips. "Not like that."

"You're awake!" They heard multiple voices at the door. The couple turns and sees their families by the door, happy smiles and tears on their faces.


"Conrad, stop." Sylvia giggles pushing his hand with a spoonful of pudding away.

"Come on, just one more." Conrad pouts. "I'll even do plane noises to get you to eat it."

Sylvia let's out another laugh. "You better sound exactly like a plane."

"I'll try." Conrad says before doing the noise, he starts to make the noise and brings the spoon to her lips. "There you go."

"You didn't sound like a plane at all." Sylvia says through her mouthful.

"Whatever." Conrad huffs with a chuckle. He kisses her cheek. "I'm gonna go get you more water."

"Thank you, bubba." Sylvia smiles up at him as he leaves the room.

A couple moments pass and Susannah slips into the room. "Hey, Sweetheart."

"Hey, mama Fisher." Sylvia gives her a soft smile. "How you doing?"

"I should be asking you that." Susannah tilts her head with a smile.

"I'm okay." Sylvia says in a low tone. "Conrad's been babying me, can't get better than that."

Susannah let's out a laugh. "I wanna speak to you about Conrad and Jere."

"What about them?" Sylvia asks confusion on her face.

"If anything happens to me and—."


"Let me say it." Susannah cuts her off taking her hand into her grasp. "If anything happens to me, I want you to take care of my boys. Especially Conrad."

Sylvia gulps down her saliva, her eyes roam to the two Fisher boys who were laughing with each other as they made their way to her room.

Sylvia looks back to Susannah and squeezes her hand. "I will also protect him. Them. Me and Beau both. With my life."

"The parties here!" Jeremiah shouts as they walk into the room.

"We brought more pudding!" Steven holds up cups of pudding and motions to Beau who had several more in his arms.

"You guys are crazy." Sylvia shakes in her head in a amusement.

Despite being in the hospital, Sylvia was happy. She was finally at peace, surrounded by the people she loved most.

Hopefully it stood like this for a little while longer...

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