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SYLVIA GLANCES AT HER boyfriend as she sat next to him on her couch, book on her lap. Conrad's eyes were on the tv ahead of him, there was an emotionless look on his face, one that's been getting deeper as the days go by.

"Hey, pretty boy." Sylvia closes her book before shuffling her body closer to his. Conrad snaps his head to look at her, he throws his arm over the back of the couch. "You okay?"

"Just fine." Conrad answers. The same answer he's been giving her for weeks. Sylvia knew it was a lie and she also knew if she pushed him to talk, he'll just lie to her even more. She hated that he felt the need to keep things it. It made her feel like the worse girlfriend ever.

"You sure?" Sylvia urges just a bit.

"I wouldn't lie to you." Conrad replies, but he just did.

Sylvia brings her knees to her just as she simply nods. "Um, Steven invited us to their prom. He told me to beg you to come."

"He did?" Conrad responds plainly, lightly chuckling.

"Yup." Sylvia reaches out and takes his hand in hers. "So, do you want to go? I think it'd be a fun night."

"I don't know..." Conrad leans his head back, sighing.

"Come on, handsome. It'd be fun." Sylvia plays with Conrad's fingers.

Conrad shakes his head, glancing at her. "Let's just stay in. I don't want to go out. It's better with us just two."

"It's been just us two, this can be a chance for us to step out of our bubble for a bit." Sylvia continues.

"I don't want to step out of our bubble." Conrad snaps. "I don't want to do anything with anyone! I just want to be left alone and not worry about anyone else's feelings! I need a break!"

"What?" Sylvia looks at him in shock as she drops his hand, slowly moving away from him. "Did you just say that? I—."

Conrad shakes his head as he looks at a stunned Sylvia. "I didn't mean it like that, beautiful. I just...I don't know."

"You do know." Sylvia retorts as she stands. "You've been putting that off for weeks and you finally said it. Look, I'm gonna be upstairs. I-I need sleep and to be away from you right now."

Sylvia drowns out the voices of Beau and Jeremiah as she keeps her eyes on the outside of her window. Her eyes following the sight of the many trees that pass. She runs a hand through her hair as she continues to think back on one of the worst day that could've ever happened to her.

"Can we talk?" Conrad walks into her room and towards her bed, taking a seat on the edge of it.

Sylvia sits up, tying her hair up and out of her face as she looks at him, the first time in a couple of hours. "Go ahead."

"I'm sorry." Conrad starts, tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"I know how hard this is, Conrad, but the last thing I want for you to feel like you have to do is push me away." Sylvia fiddles with the string of her shorts. "I don't want you to shut me out."

"I-I feel like I just keep disappointing you." Conrad doesn't meet her eyes as speaks.

"Never, love." Sylvia frantically shakes her head. "You have never and still aren't disappointing me. It's impossible for you to do such a thing."

"All I've done the past few weeks is disappoint y-you." Conrad's voice cracks as he meets her eyes. His own red and watery. "You don't deserve that. That's the last thing you deserve, beautiful."

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