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"Hey, good morning." Conrad greets his girlfriend as she walks into the kitchen, putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Good Morning." Sylvia gives him a small smile, she takes a seat next to Jeremiah who was trying to catch cereal in his mouth.

"As a cure for you headache." Conrad places a box in front of Sylvia. "I went out and brought you, your favorite banana nut and chocolate chip muffins."

Sylvia eagerly opens the box and takes a still warm muffin in her hand, immediately taking a bit. She lets out a delightful sigh. "Their amazing, Con. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, beautiful. Anything for you." Conrad places a kiss on to her lips.

Sylvia takes another bite of her muffin and breaks a couple pieces off for Beau and Jeremiah who stared at her eagerly. Sylvia's head was still majorly pounding and she didn't know why...

"Oh, Belly." Susannah looks at the girl who walks into the kitchen. "You should get going. Oh, and everyone, stay out of the family room. All your paintings are done. I just need to do some final touches on Sylvia's and that's all. Tonight, after the ball, we'll have a big unveiling. Can you put that in Laurel's car, honey?"

Sylvia gave Susannah her favorite picture of herself. She didn't feel like sitting down in front of Susannah, having all her bruises from that night in display in front of her. She wasn't comfortable.

Jeremiah who with Beau's permission of course was taking Belly to the ball. "Yeah, yeah."

"Hurry, hurry." Susannah rushes Belly.

"Aren't you driving me?" Belly gives her mom a confused look.

"I'm going over with Susannah, so I thought your sister could take you, but she's not feeling the best, so I decided that maybe you could drive yourself." Laurel holds up her car keys.

"Seriously?!" Belly exclaims loudly making Sylvia groan into her muffin.

"It's only a few blocks." Laurel says in a low tone. "Unless you don't want to?"

"Yes, yes I do want to." Belly takes the keys from her mothers hands.

"Drive slow, obey the lights, wait four seconds at each sign." Laurie lists off.

"I know. I know." Belly rushes out.

"We'll see you at the club in a few hours!" Susannah shouts.

Sylvia groans loudly, her head going to hit the counter, but Conrad puts his hand on her forehead stopping it from hurting.


Sylvia was in her room getting ready for the ball, she stared at her laptop, she had to press one button and her album was out. Why was she hesitating so much?

"You want me to do it?" Conrad's voice from behind her startles her.

"Conrad." Sylvia places a hand on her head and heart. "Don't do that, it made my headache worse."

"I'm sorry, baby." Conrad walks close to her and places his fingers on her temples, softly massaging. "I didn't mean to scare you. I only want to help."

"I-I don't know why I'm so scared." Sylvia stutters staring at the computer screen.

"It's your first official album." Conrad states. "You have every right to be scared. Your career is on the line."

"You're making me even more terrified, Con." Sylvia leans back against his legs.

"You're so fucking talented, Via. You can do absolutely anything." Conrad stares at her in the mirror softly. "It's just one button. You want to do it together?"

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