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"YOU'RE IT FOR ME." Conrad mumbles his eyes on the sky above them, stars shining down at them. The couple lay on a blanket as they relish in the last moments of their picnic. "I can't imagine my life going on without you. You're the one I want. Always."

"You're it for me too." Sylvia turns her head to they side, staring at Conrad's side profile. "Always have been. My first and last love."

"I have something for you." Conrad turns his head to meet her soft gaze before he sits up, Sylvia following, watching as Conrad takes out a small box from his pocket.

"Conrad." Sylvia places a hand over her mouth.

"It's not an engagement ring. At least not yet." Conrad lets out a light laugh before he opens the box and shows her the ring inside of it. It was an infinity symbol ring with little shiny diamonds. "This is me making you a promise that no matter what, I'll always belong to you. My heart will always belong to you. I will be there for you no matter what. Our love will always be infinite."

The two stare into each other's eyes as Conrad ever so gently grabs her hand and places the ring on her left hand index finger. A small smile forms on her lips as he cups her cheek, running his thumb over the bottom of her lip.

Sylvia leans into his hand. "Infinity. That's long you know?"

"Doesn't matter because every moment with you is worth it."


"...But we've heard it time and time again." Sylvia hears her brothers voice as she walks into the gym of her once high school, her hand fiddling with a ring on her left hand. "It's supposed to convince us, you know, that everything had to happen exactly so, in order to teach us something about ourselves, in order for us to grow and meet our destiny."

Steven's eyes roam around the gym, his eyes going to the figure that sat in a chair all the way in the back. A big smile forms in his lips as they lock eyes. She was here, smiling back at him. She was here for him.

"I think that's BS. I'm sorry, Mom, sorry." He quickly adds as the audience laugh, though his eyes still set on his sister, who laughed as well. "You know, breakups don't always lead to breakthroughs. Sometimes a girl dumps you after an awesome summer, and it sucks. And you learn nothing from it, but you eventually force yourself to move on anyways."

Sylvia breaks eye contact with her brother, still listening to him as her eyes drift to the ring on her finger. "But then the unthinkable happens, and you realize it's pointless to think of life that way."

"Mama Sus." Sylvia walks into Susannah's room, smiling when she sees Susannah laying in bed, book in hand.

"Hey, my beautiful girl." Susannah greets her, she pats the empty spot next to her.

"Can-Can I talk to you about something?" Sylvia asks, sitting the spot next to her.

"Of course, you can tell me anything." Susannah closes her book and places it down on her nightstand. "Is it about that beautiful ring on your finger? Did you and Conrad get engaged?"

"I wish." Sylvia admits as she chuckles. "It's a promise ring."

"I taught, Connie well." Susannah eyes the ring on her finger.

"That you did." Sylvia nods frantically.

Susannah grabs her hands, making her look at her. "What do you want to tell me?"

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