𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓤𝓹

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"May I present." Belly walks toward her group of friends and siblings, glasses in her hands. "The Belly Special."

"Give me, give me." Sylvia sits up in her beach chair holding her hands out to Belly who happily gives her a drink.

The two weren't on speaking terms, but they were slowly getting there. They ignored the problem until they forget. That's what the two sisters always do.

"We saved you the inflatable unicorn." Gigi, a friend of Nicole's who happens to be there, points to the unicorn next to her.

"Well, thank you." Belly says gratefully walking to the inflatable.

"You want some?" Sylvia holds her drink out to Conrad.

"Of course." Conrad takes the cup. He chugs down half of it and Sylvia slaps his chest.

"Hey!" Sylvia frowns.

Conrad gives her a grin. "That's karma for my smoothie."

"That's it." Sylvia snatches her cup from him. "You made it clear that we can never share again."

"Aww, Via. Don't be like that." Conrad pouts. "I love sharing with you, I just had to get you back somehow."

"No, I don't care." Sylvia crosses her arms over her chest. "I never want to share with you again."

"Fine." Conrad huffs pouring himself a drink. "I never want to share with you again either."

Sylvia goes to speak, but she's cut off by Nicole. "Hey, Conrad. You think you can pass me one of those?" The girl gives him a flirty smile, twirling the end of her hair.

Conrad goes to do it, but with a glare from Sylvia, he stops. "Good boy."

Conrad felt his cheek get red at her words. Sylvia chuckles and passes Nicole the blender and a little cup. Nicole grumpily takes it.

"Hey guys!" Everyone turns their heads and sees Jeremiah walking toward them. Beau and Cam by his side. "Check out who we found."

"Cam!" The group cheers happily. Belly the loudest.

Conrad offers him a drink in which he declines. "Oh, I'm good, man. Thank you, I don't drink."

"Yeah, Con, keep up." Sylvia pushes the side of his head. "He literally told us that when you guys were playing beer pong."

"Shut up." Conrad mumbles taking a sip of the drink, over and over again. "That's a plus for me, I get to drink more."

"Con, love." Sylvia moves the cup from his lips. "Allow yourself some oxygen, please. It's not going anywhere."

"It's not a race." Nicole giggles watching Conrad ignoring the look Sylvia was giving her.

"Yeah, save some for the rest of us!" Beau exclaims putting his head on Jeremiah's lap.

Belly laughs. "Okay, wait, wait, wait, but what if it was a race? I mean, isn't that...isn't that the premise of, like, every drinking game?"

"You want to play a drinking game?" Gigi gives her a surprised look.

"I says let's do it." Sylvia stands. "It's the Fourth of July. We deserve to have some fun and celebrate this shitty ass country!"

"Fuck it." Beau says standing up also.

"Let's do it." Jeremiah grabs Beau's hand, the boy pulling him up.

The group of teens set up a cup in the middle of a table and took turns trying to make the coin into the cup. Who ever made it first won and the other person had to drink.

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