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It was morning, Sylvia and Conrad were in his room. Sylvia was laying on his chest, her head where his heart was. The sound of his easy and smooth heart beat was like music to her ears.

Conrad ran his right hand through her hair softly, his hand on her waist. The kiss they shared and the confessions along with it, replayed in his head over and over again.

The didn't say anything to each other after that. They cuddled and went to sleep, but now it was morning and they simply laid in each other's arms, allowing loud silence to fill the room.

"Did you mean what you said?" Sylvia breaks the silence.

"About me being in love with you?" Conrad asks, he feels Sylvia nod against his chest. "I would never lie about that. My love for you never left. Are-Are you rethinking this?"

Sylvia sits up moving from his grip, she turns his whole body to look at him. "From the moment we broke up, I promised my self I would never fall so hard for someone again, even if it was you. But then this summer happens and I fall back in love with you, even harder than I did the first time."

"Then-Then what is it?" Conrad takes her hand in his.

"It's just..." Sylvia trails off.

"I don't know what else to say or do that can show you how sorry I am." Conrad squeezes his hand. "I never meant to hurt you the way, I did. I just couldn't take us being in a relationship and then I would lie to you and then our nonstop fighting hurt us...you. I just wanted you to be happy and I thought you would be without me."

"You did-do make me happy. You always have and always will." Sylvia sighs. "But you also hurt me and I'm scared that if we do this again, I'll get hurt all over again. I-I can't have that. I can't and—."

"It's not gonna be like that." Conrad cuts in. "I don't have no intention of hurting you because by hurting you I'm only hurting myself. I need you, Sylvia."

"You don't understand." Sylvia runs a hand through her hair. "This fear has me by a chokehold. I want literally nothing more than to be with you fully, but I'm letting my thoughts get to me. I'm scared, Conrad, I really am and I don't know how to get rid of this fear."

"Open up your heart to me again." Conrad grabs her other hand. "I got you, Rose. I'm not messing up this time. I promise. You mean absolutely everything to me. I am and will not let you down this time."

Sylvia stays silent as she looks into his soft pleading eyes. Sylvia was gonna take this risk. "Let's do it. I'm not gonna let you go. I need you, but I need you to actually promise me this."


"Promise me that you won't hold anything in. That you'll actually depend on me and speak to me about things. Communication is key and if we can't do that, this won't work. Not again." Sylvia states.

"I promise." Conrad replies. "I promise to tell and give you absolutely everything."

"Then, Conrad Fisher, will you do me the great honor of being my boyfriend...again?" Sylvia adds with a chuckle.

"Oh, you're asking me?" Conrad raises an eyebrow.

"You asked me the first time." Sylvia shrugs. "I thought why not shake things up a bit."

"I would love to do you the honor and be your boyfriend." Conrad smiles. Sylvia smiles back and pulls the boy into a deep kiss.


"Yeah, it's wood rot." Conrad took a piece of wood out from the side of the boat. "See how brittle it is on the inside? God, this is bad."

"Con, baby, be careful with how you grab it." Sylvia speaks from next to him. Conrad had forced her to join him since her album was done and she had nothing to do. Cleveland was more than happy to allow her to come onto the boat.

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