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*song for later*


Two summers prior:

"I hate these things." 15 year old Conrad throws his glasses on to Sylvia's bed just before throwing himself.

Sylvia looks down at him with a frown. "Why?"

"Why?" Conrad repeats. "Are you seriously asking me why?"

"No, I asked you how." Sylvia says sarcastically. "Yes, Conrad. I'm asking you why."

"These things..." Conrad holds up his glasses. "Make me look like a nerd. I hate the way I look in them Rosie. I really do."

"I still don't understand why." Sylvia takes the glasses from his grasp. "I think you look absolutely adorable in them."

"Yeah because every guy wants to be called adorable by their girlfriend." Conrad rolls his eyes.

"Con." Sylvia sighs and moves to go next to him. She puts the glasses back on his face. "Not only do you have one more year with them, but I think you really do look amazing with them. Don't let your horrible thoughts take over."

Conrad smiles at her gently. "I'm lucky to have you in my life."

"Yes you are." Sylvia nudges his arm. "But so am I."

"You want to go out back and watch the sunset?"

"Do you even have to ask?! Let's go!"


"Beau!" Sylvia shouts as she chases him down the stairs. "At least tell me if you guys fucked on the beach yesterday?!"

"For the 100th time." Beau stops a the bottom of the stairs, Sylvia jumping on his back. "We made out a couple times. Nothing else happened. We were simply enjoying each other's company."

"You guys should've fucked." Sylvia mumbles only for Beau to pinch her thigh.

"Are you gonna talk to Conrad?" Beau asks fixing her on his back.

"I don't know." Sylvia groans. "I want to so bad, but for some reason it hurts to look at him because all I can think about Belly's lips on his."

"He pushed her away." Beau states. "He made sure she knew he didn't like like her in that way and that he only had eyes for you. Talk to him. You know you want and need to."

"I know." Sylvia says as they walk into the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Fisher boys." Beau greets, putting Sylvia down going over and pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"Good Morning." Conrad greets back glancing at Sylvia who gave him a small smile. "You want hot chocolate, Via? I know you hate the whole caffeine drink thing."

"Uh, yes, please." Sylvia answers pulling out eggs from the fridge.

"Me and Beau have to go to the club." The couple stands. "See you guys later?"

"Bye." Sylvia kisses them both on the cheek, Beau giving her a look.

Once they leave, a moment of silence passes through the kitchen, the only thing to be heard was the coffee maker and egg carton. Sylvia let's out a breath.

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