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"I'm not hungry anymore, Connie." Sylvia pushes the spoon Conrad had in her face full of cereal away.

Last night after the two cried in each others arms and held each other close. They went to Conrad's room, where they fell asleep.

After the conversation they had, about their break up. They felt closer if that was even possible. The two of them were still scared on moving on in their relationship.

"One more." Conrad puts the spoon up to her lips once again.

"But Connie, I'm full." Sylvia pats her stomach.

"Come on, please." Conrad holds it up.

"I'm saving the little space I have left for Beau and Jeremiah's pancakes." Sylvia motions to the two boys who were concentrated on cooking the food.

"Fine." Conrad takes the spoon himself, going over and putting the bowl of cereal in the sink and he sits down pulling out a small pill bottle. He opens it taking one out, grabbing a water and walking back to his seat. He holds it out to Sylvia. "Here."

"Can-Can I wait until after I eat?" Sylvia asks eyeing the pill in his hand.

"No, I want to make sure you take it." He puts the pill in her hand. "Take it."

Sylvia sighs taking the pill and swallowing it, no water needed. She opens her mouth showing to Conrad that she had took it.

"Good girl." Conrad pats her thigh.

"Don't say things like that." Sylvia plays with his hand that laid on her thigh. "It gives me butterflies."

Conrad smirks and leans into her ear. "Do I make you nervous?"

"You know you do." Sylvia whispers into his ear before pushing his head away from her. "Now stop it."

Conrad laughs going to say something, but gets cut off by a voice. "Morning everyone."

"Happy birthday!" Everyone in the kitchen cheers...well, besides Conrad and Sylvia who stopped their playful banter and flirting.

"There's the birthday girl." Susannah pulls Belly into a hug. "Looking like a vision in floral."

Jeremiah was next, then Beau and of course Steve had to say something witty. "Now Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday."

"Thanks everyone." Belly laughs her smile dimming when she saw Conrad and Sylvia whispering to each other, totally ignoring her.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Laurel pulls her youngest into a hug. "Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready."

"Actually, I'm not really, uh, hungry." Belly stutters.

"Oh." Laurel says in a sad tone.

"Shall we open presents then?" Susannah asks.

"Me and Sylvia are gonna stay here. She's getting her pancakes that Jere made her." Conrad tells them. "You guys go though, we'll be watching from here."

"You are a true blessing, Jeremiah Fisher." Sylvia kisses the boys cheek. He smiles at her going to Beau, wrapping an arm around his shoulder before they go to the living room.

"Where's my kiss on the cheek?" Conrad takes the piece of pancake she held out to him. "I fed you."

"And now I'm feeding you." Sylvia takes a bite before giving the oldest Fisher another bite. "I don't think there's a need for a kiss on the cheek."

"I think there very much is need." Conrad states. "It's simply not fair, I mean you kissed my brothers—."

Sylvia stuffs a piece of pancake in his mouth, she then leans over and presses a soft kiss to his cheek. She gives him a grin. "Happy?"

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