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THE SOUND OF cheerful screams, the sight of the many rides and the smell delicious of food that filled Sylvia's nose. It all brought her so many memories. Being here was like going back in time. Back to when Susannah was there with them, buying them all whatever junk they wanted with Laurel protesting. Back to when she and Conrad were attached by hip and would try to win as many stuff animals as they could. Back to when things were normal. Were okay.

Sylvia tears her gaze away from the large ferris wheel in front of her and puts it on Conrad, who held a look of distress. She nudges him softly. "Can you lighten up, please?"

"How is this any less hot than it would be inside?" Conrad groans.

"Never said it was going to be cooler." Sylvia remarks. "But it gives us a moment to enjoy ourselves."

"You know what I want to enjoy?" Taylor grabs everyone's attention. "Some ice cream. Nature's air conditioning."

"Yes, please!" Sylvia agrees, grabbing Conrad's hand and dragging him towards one of the many ice cream shops.

Conrad glances down at their intertwined hands, it felt so good. He's been deprived of it so long and feeling the comfort it instantly brought him, made him regret everything. Sylvia noticing his gaze on their hands, made her quickly let go. It was such a natural instinct for her. Even after all this time. She hated how her body unconsciously gave into Conrad. "I'm sorry."

"D-Don't apologize." Conrad mumbles, taking her hand in his again. Jeremiah and Beau watching them with small smirks in their faces as they wait in line to get their ice cream. "You never have to apologize to me. I'm the one that has apologizing to do."

"Yeah." Sylvia slips her hand out of his again. She wasn't going to give in. She couldn't. The thought terrified her. Loving him again absolutely terrified her. "You do."

Before Conrad could speak again, the worker called next and Sylvia quickly ran up, ordering what Conrad knew was Cookie Dough ice cream. Her new favorite. He knew everything about her. She was his special girl and he never truly treated her as such.


"You know, I'm kind of a natural introvert." Skye starts as the group of 8 all enjoy their ice cream, making their way around the amusement park. Sylvia saying hi to fans as they pass by. "So I can't tell if this place is horrifying or if it's just, like, my lizard brain in action."

Beau and Sylvia share a amused look as Belly goes to answer. "It's fun. I promise."

"Fun?" Jeremiah remarks. "Because I seem to remember the last time we were here, you were crying."

"I remember that!" Beau laughs. "Isabel was 12 and Syl beat her at Shoot Your Shot and made her ride the Tower of Terror! That was such a good time."

"For you." Belly rolls her eyes playfully.

"Belly, you were so scared, you threw up."

"I was sick." Belly defends.

"Sick with fear." Conrad and Sylvia say in unison, the two letting out small chuckles.

"Mama Sus had to throw out your clothes and carry you home in a caftan." Sylvia says, making Steven let out a loud laugh. Beau giving her a proud look. He knew how hard it was for her to talk about Susannah. This was a big step for his best friend.

"Susannah use to force my mom to come here when they were kids." Skye speaks up, the laughter dying. "My mom always hated it, but Susannah loved it so much, so..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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