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*song is for later, talk about r*pe and SA*

"You are absolutely beautiful." A guy named, Jordan says to Sylvia as they sit on a log in front of the fire.

"You've said that. Over twenty times since we started talking." Sylvia says boredly as she takes a gulp of the beer in her hand. She felt eyes on her the whole time.

"Well it's tr—."

"Let go, Steven!" At the sound of her sisters voice Sylvia looks up, just in time to see her sister fall. "Belly!"

Sylvia gets up ignoring the guys protest. Steve picks Belly up and grabs her arm again. Sylvia stops him from dragging her. "Let her go, right now, Steven."

"But, she's not even sup—."

"I said to let her go right now." Sylvia speaks in a stern tone of voice. "You just freaking embarrassed her and that's no way to touch your sister. I'm not gonna ask you to let go of her again."

Steven sighs letting their little sister go. Sylvia points to Shayla. "Now go back to her. Walk away."

"She's not suppose to be here." Steven tries.

"I understand that, now go." Sylvia pushes her brother towards the girl behind him. "Take him away, please."

"Um, okay." Shayla takes Steven's arm and drags him away.

"What are you doing here?" Sylvia asks Belly. Belly doesn't answer, instead stares at something behind her.

The girl turns and sees Beau and Jeremiah full on making out. Sylvia let's out a laugh. "Oh my god. He actually did it."

"He did, didn't he?" Belly watches the two sadly, a small smile on her lips.

"Yeah, Beau!" Sylvia cheers. In return she got a thumbs up from him, making her laugh. "Bel, have fun, okay? I'm not gonna stand over your shoulder or anything. Just don't drink, please."

"I promise." Belly smiles at her sister. Sylvia smiles back kissing her sister forehead before walking away.


"Come on, one kiss." Jordan leans in.

"Uh, no." Sylvia pushes him back away from her face. "I told you to leave me alone already, so can you listen and walk away."

"Nah, I'm quite good right here." Jordan moves closer, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Sylvia feels her body tense as she tries to pry his hand off her. "Get off of me."

"Nope." Jordan tightens his arm around her. "Not until I get a kiss."

"I said no." Sylvia tries to stand looking around for anyone, but he keeps her down on the log.

"I say other wise." Jordan attacks her neck.

Sylvia fights in his grip. "Let me go! Help! Help!"

The girl fights, but he grabs onto her arms putting them to her side as he holds her sucking on her neck.

"Stop! Stop, please!" Sylvia cries.

Jordan ignores her as he moves to the other side of her neck. Sylvia's eyes get watery as her body starts to give up its fight. "Let-Let me go."

Jordan is suddenly roughly pulled off Sylvia. Sylvia felt herself gasp for air as her body trembled. She looked up at her savior and saw Conrad attacking Jordan.

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