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"I WANT TO STAY HERE, WITH YOU FOREVER." Conrad whispers in Sylvia's ear, placing a gentle kiss right under her ear.

Sylvia shivers as his lips graze her neck, letting the sand in her hand go as she turns to look up at him, tilting her head up a bit. Her heart swells up at the sight of his wide smile that was put on his perfect face. "Forever with you is all I want."

"I love you, you know that?" Conrad moves her so that she's now straddling his waist.

Sylvia wraps her legs around him before she reaches up and brings his face into her hands. "I love you more."

"Impossible." Conrad mutters against her lips before she pulls him into a soft gentle kiss.

This moment was nothing, but perfect. Perfect probably wasn't even the word to describe it. This was a moment, no memory, that Sylvia wanted to keep in her head forever. She wanted to keep him forever, have him forever.

But she couldn't because nothing turned out to be the way they wanted it to be. Her and Conrad didn't last forever. Susannah was dead and nothing was the way it once was.

"Syl. Come out, please." Beau lightly knocks on her door.

Sylvia from inside the room doesn't respond as she simply only sinks further into her bed, laying on her side as she stared at a picture of Conrad, her and Jeremiah. All smiling, all happy.

She's been hiding in her room for as long as Beau knew. Every time he would come back from school, she was stuck in her room doing the same thing. Stare at a picture of what everyone and everything once was.

"I was thinking we can go hang out around the town before I have to head back to school." Beau suggests. He lets out a sigh, leaning his head against the door as he knocks again. "Please, Syl. I want to see my best friend again before I go."

"It's open." Sylvia says, just loud enough for Beau to hear.

Beau sighs as he turns the knob, opening her room door. He sees her sitting up, eyes still on a picture on her nightstand. Beau walks over to her and grabs her hands making her stand, turning her face to make her look at him.

"Go shower and get dressed, okay?" Beau instructs.

Though Sylvia felt like shit, she obeyed, grabbing a pair of clothes and towels before she went off to her bathroom. Beau exhales as he throws himself on her bed, his eyes drifting off to the picture was once looking at. It was hard not too. He missed everything the way it was too.


"We're walking." Sylvia states as she swings her and Conrad's hands back and forth. The wind gently blew making the leaves slightly move, allowing the sun to kiss on her.

"We are walking." Conrad nods with a laugh. He rubs his thumb over the back of her hand. "What's the problem with that?"

"We turned into a walking couple." Sylvia says, grinning. "This means that when we grow old we're going to be the old couple that walks together and takes daily strolls, so we can pretend to be healthy."

Conrad releases a laugh as his eyes stay on the beautiful girl beside him. "You and your weird thoughts."

"Hey, it's not weird." Sylvia playfully pouts at him. "It's true."

"I'm not saying it wasn't." Conrad stops walking the trail, turning his body to fully face the oldest Conklin. "I love your weird thoughts, you know that?"

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