🤍Jesse 🎨🖌

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This is going to be a daughter reader I'm sorry I'm doing a lot of female reader lately I will be doing gender neutral soon. So this is going to be a songfic little miss perfect, I got the idea while listening to it for the millionth time, enjoy! Arcane characters will be in it again!

Y/n was walking into the recording studio working on song without her dad around, as she sighed,

"Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward
Straight path, I don't cut corners"

y/n started pulling her hood to reveal her (colored hair), when she was younger she only hung out with certain kids ones that were like her preppy and rich, but also a really good student.

"I make a point to be on time
Head out the student council, I don't black out at parties
I jam to Paul McCartney"

y/n was always on time turning in assignments and to class, she also was asked to help with the council along with her best friend, but she also hated praties she wasn't very social but that was her, and she had a certain music she liked.

"If you ask me how I'm doing, I'll say
Well, hmm
I was adopted when I was two
My parents spoiled me rotten
Often I ask myself, what did I do
To get as far as I've gotten?"

Y/n was adopted by Jesse and his wife right when 4town was starting to take off so she was pretty much spoiled by everyone around her, the other members loved her so much and they all would do anything for her, but when she turned 5 her mom and Jesse started having problems which led for them divorcing, Jesse won full custody and she would see her mom but something was different, but Jesse made sure to always be there for her, and do anything for her, y/n always thought she was so lucky and grateful for what she had.

"A pretty girl walks by my locker
My heart gives a flutter, but I don't dare utter a word"

y/n was getting her books and talking to her friend as she watched a girl coming around the corner as she started to smile but that smile dropped as she knew to not say anything.

"Cause that would be absurd behavior for Little Miss Perfect"

y/n had a reputation to up hold being the daughter of Jesse the member of 4town was hard because she felt like she had to be perfect and sometimes Robaire her father's bandmate and her uncle would put pressure on her without realizing it.

"Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, no
I can't risk falling off my throne
La-la-la-la-la-la-la, love
Is something I don't even know"

she sang remembering back then she didn't know much about love, the only love she knew was the love her father and uncle's gave.

"Straight hair, straight A's
Straight forward, straight girl
Little Miss Perfect, that's me" she sang softly and sighing.

"One night, my friend stayed over
We laughed, and drink and ordered
Something about her drew me in
What? It's totally platonic"

y/n sang looking at her friends in the other room as they watched her, the only friend she had in her tween and teen years was Caitlyn who was a topsider as was y/n but they had been best friends forever but y/n started to have this feeling she didn't understand.

"That night was so exciting
Her smirks were so enticing
Hours speed by like seconds
Then, what happens is iconic"

y/n closed her eye's remembering that night clear as day.

"She takes a sip, I bite my lip
She tells a joke, I nearly choke
She braids my hair, I sit there
Blacking out for the first time"

y/n sang remembering the little things, Caitlyn would drink her coffee and y/n would just admire her, or when she said a joke she would laugh so hard even when it wasn't that funny, and when she would play with y/n hair she'd have butterflies and loved her touching it, and she opened her eyes and her smiled dropped.

"Next thing I know, I lose control
I finally kiss her, but, oh, no
I see a face in my window
Then my brain starts to go"

y/n sang she sadly remembered that painful night, y/n leaned into Caitlyn and kissed her as Caitlyn blushed but kissed back  but then realized what was happening, and pushed her back, as y/n thought to herself and then she saw a flash of a camera, the paparazzi were watching the whole thing and got a picture of the whole ordeal, as y/n thoughts started to take over.

"Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, no
You can't risk falling off your throne
La-la-la-la-la-la-la, love
Is something you don't even know."

Y/n started to tear up, the paparazzi were doing anything to ruin her reputation and so were 4town obsessed fangirls because they didn't like her and this was perfect for them.

You can't risk falling off your throne
La-la-la-la-la-la-la, love"

she sang with so much emotion, and also remembering the next morning the picture that the paparazzi took was blasted everywhere and y/n couldn't get away from paparazzi or reporters, nor could she get away from cameras, which made her more upset that just one little thing could be such a big thing.

"You don't even know"

she sang slowly starting to tear up as VI came in and started to hug her.

"Rewind, induce amnesia"

she sang softly wishing she could take that night back.

"Deny the truth, that's easier"

she sang in so much pain for awhile she kept denying it or at least that's what she did for the paparazzi so they'd get bored and drop the stalking and drop the headlines and stories, but y/n hated hiding her true self not because she didn't think her dad wouldn't be supportive, she was just afraid of what people would think, but what she didn't know was that Jesse already had a idea and so did the other members.

"You're just confused, believe her
When she says there's nothing there"

y/n closed her eye's, that's what her mom would tell her every time she would bring up the idea that she was questioning her mom would say she was to young to understand and shrugged her off, and what happened to her and Caitlyn after that night was that Caitlyn's mom told her to end her friendship with y/n, and Caitlyn did just that telling her she didn't like her like that, and telling her to leave her alone, and y/n believed that, and it hurt her and it hurted Caitlyn, because the truth was Caitlyn actually had feelings for her but was to afraid to go against her mom.

"It's never worth it"

she started and sang softly and was crying as VI kept hugging her and the other did too.

"When you're Little Miss Perfect"

She finished as she looked at the mirror, she was always that perfect girl to everyone as everyone hugged her as she bursted out in tears and hugged them back.

A/n I hope you enjoyed this! Have a good night, and please don't give any hate if you don't like it don't read, i believe love is love and be who you are! Again have a goodnight and day!

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