4town (mostly Robaire 💚)

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A/n this is labyrinth themed, so the goblin king himself will appear, i wanted to see how i liked writing for Jareth.

Robaire's pov

"Robaire, Robaire,Robaire!!" Jesse yelled as Robaire grumbled in his sleep, "what do you want" Robaire said in a snarky tone, "excuse me, for wanting you to take care of your little sister for once in your life" Jesse said crossing his arms as Robaire just rolled his eye's, as Jesse just sighed, "I wanted to tell you that we were heading out, so you need to get up, so you can keep an eye on her" Jesse said as Robaire groaned in annoyance, "Is there a problem" Jesse said giving him a look, "why can't you just take her with you" Robaire said as Jesse just fumed with anger, "because me and the other's have to go and get groceries and I'm not sure if you have forgotten but it's almost her birthday so sense your not gonna get her anything I need to get her something" Jesse said as Robaire just rolled his eye's and groaned, Jesse just looked at him and shook his head.

"And that was just the being" T started but was cutoff by Jesse, "come on T let's go" Jesse said grabbing the car keys, as T pouted, "I was just about to read to her" T said setting the book on the table, "You read?" Robaire said, as T just glared at him, "believe it or not dip shit, I do know how to read" T said as y/n sat in his lap babbling, "language" Jesse said as he looked at the book, "labyrinth? Again, haven't you read it to her like hundred times" Jesse said chuckling trying to lighten up the mood, as T just chuckled, "she loves it, she always wants me to read it to her, i try reading other books but she refuses" T said as Y/n got up, "what's it about" Robaire asked, "it's about a girl who wishes her brother away, and she has 13 hours to solve the goblin kings labyrinth.." T started to say as Robaire interrupted him, "sounds boring. And a waste of time" He said as T just rolled his eye's, "I don't know y/n likes it, don't you y/n" Tae said joining the conversation as y/n started to jump up and down, "the goblin king! The goblin king!" Y/n said jumping up and down as Z caught her mid jump and started to tickle her, "rawer, I'm one of the goblins, and I'm gonna gobble you up" Z said tickling her, as T joined in, as y/n kept laughing and giggling as Jesse and Tae smiled as he looked at the time, "oh shoot, come on guy's we have to go" Jesse said as T and Z kissed the top of her head, "we'll be back in a bit" Tae said as y/n grabbed his arm, "please don't leave me" y/n said with pleading eye's as Tae sighed and kissed her forehead, "we'll be back soon, your gonna have fun with each other alright" he said as y/n nodded and watched them leave.

Y/n looked up at Robaire, to be truthful Y/n was intimated by Robaire, he never spent time with her, nor did he try to have an relationship with her, y/n has been mostly raised by Jesse, Tae, and T and Z.

"Can I hold your hand" she asked looking at him as Robaire just looked at her annoyed, "no" he said slamming the door as he stormed off, as she just looked at him, Robaire went to watch tv as he was scrolling through channels as y/n just stood there watching him, "what, aren't you supposed to be napping or some shit" Robaire said as y/n nodded, "then why are you standing here, your four years old can't you put yourself to bed" he said as y/n just stood there, Robaire just scoffed and rolled his eye's picking her up but before he could get far, y/n stopped him, and pointed towards the book as he just rolled his eye's and grabbed it and carried her upstairs.

"Alright, here you go" Robaire said placing her on the bed and placing the book on the bed, "can't you read me a chapter" she pleaded, "no!" Robaire said walking out, "pretty please" she said as Robaire rolled his eye's and opened the book, "you really enjoy this crap" Robaire said as Y/n nodded, "you really believe this silly Fairytale, at your age I wasn't reading this crap" Robaire said as turned a page ripping a page out of the book, "hey!" Y/n said her eye's watering, "oh shush" he said ripping another page, "we're home!" Jesse yelled, "Jesse!!" Y/n yelled clearly tired and upset, "what on earth..." Jesse started to say as he walked up the stairs and picked up y/n, "what's going on!" Z said, as y/n kept crying and hyperventilating, "Robaire...ripped...my...book" y/n said in between sobs, "shh it's alright" Jesse said trying to calm her down, "why would you do that" T said glaring at him as Robaire just rolled his eye's, "it's just some stupid book, she'll get over it" he said, "she's just a child Robaire why can't you understand that" Tae said as Robaire rolled his eye's.

Robaire walked up to Jesse who was holding y/n, " I wish the goblins would come and take you away..right now!" Robaire said taunting as Jesse just looked at him, and Robaire just gave a smug look and walked away as Jesse went to her room and placed her in her room.

"Why on earth would you say that to her!" Jesse said storming up to Robaire as he just ignored him, "oh come on, she hears it in the book, what's so bad, for me to say that to her" Robaire said as they all looked at him, "She's your sister, wishing from someone to take her seriously Robaire" Tae said as He continued to roll his eye's, "I'm gonna make sure she's alright" T said as Jesse nod, "I'll join you" Z said.

"Y/n you alright" T said knocking on the door, he didn't hear anything, "y/n" he said as he walked in, but she wasn't in there, "y/n come on, come on out right now this isn't funny at all" Z said looking around, "Jesse, we have a problem" T Said, "she's not in her room" Z said as Jesse's eye's widened in horror, and started to frantically look around the house everyone was in panic mode, even Robaire.

All of a sudden a gust of wind enter into the room, as everyone uncovered themselves, as T eye's widened, "your him, aren't you? Your the goblin king!" T said in disbelief as all of them looked at the figured, "I want my sister back!" Robaire said, "please if it's all the same" Tae said, "what's said is said" Jareth said looking at the boys, "but I didn't mean it" Robaire said guilt taking over, "oh you didn't?" He said giving a look to Robaire, " please where is she" Jesse said his voice cracking, "you know very well where she is" Jareth said crossing his arms, "please bring her back, please" Z said as Jareth walked up to them, "boys, go back to your lives, play with your instruments and costumes, forget about your sister"   Jareth said as they all looked at him, "I can't, I want my sister back she must be so scared" Robaire said scared but guilt over taking him.

"Your no match for me boy's" Jareth said as Robaire just looked at him determined, "but I have to have my sister back!" Robaire said as Jareth pointed outside of the window, "she's there, in my castle" he said as all the boy's look out the window, "do you still want to look for her" he asked as they all looked, "is that the castle beyond the goblin city" T asked, "turn back boys, turn back before its to late" Jareth said walking up to the boys, "I can't, Don't you understand I can't" Robaire said looking at Jareth, "what a pity" he said walking off, " it doesn't look that far" Z said, "it's futher then you think, time is short" Jareth  said spooking  the other's, "you have 13 hours, in which to solve the labyrinth before your baby sister becomes one of us, forever, such a pity" Jareth said haunting something felt weird for Robaire he didn't think this was real at all.

"Robaire, Robaire, wake up sleepy head" Jesse said nudging him as Robaire went to sat up but was stop by weight on his chest, "you fell asleep while reading the labyrinth to y/n" Jesse said as Robaire sighed out of relief, "you alright" Jesse asked as Robaire nodded, "Yeah I just had a really weird dream" he said smiling at Jesse, "Welp it was just a dream, wasn't it" he said as Robaire nodded as he smiled at his baby sister.

A/n plot twist!! But how did you like it would it be something you guy's be interested if i were to make a Jareth platonic oneshot book, if you are interested please leave a comment, i really hope you enjoy this!

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