where do babies come from : 🤍4town💙

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Robaire 🎤

"Hey Robaire" little y/n asked leaning there head on the table
"Yes y/n" Robaire said taking a bite of his food, "where do babies come from" they asked as Robaire choked on his food, "um why do you ask" he said trying not to freak out, "I heard the older kids talking about it at school but I didn't understand it" y/n said looking at him, "I'll get you ice cream, if you don't ask that until your eighteen" Robaire said as y/n nodded and ran upstairs, "your too innocent to know" Robaire said smiling.

Jesse 🎨

As Jesse was driving home from picking y/n up from school, y/n decided on asking Jesse a question, "hey Jesse" they asked as Jesse looked at them through the rearview mirror, giving them a look that ment countine, "where do babies come from" they asked as Jesse stepped on the breaks as the car came to a halt, "what?!" He asked he thought he had about fifteen years until you'd ask about that, "where do babies come from?" They asked again, as Jesse thoughts ran through his head, "why do you want to know" Jesse asked nervous, "T said I'd becoming a aunt, so I asked him were babies came from and he told me to ask you" y/n said smiling as Jesse facepalm, "I'm gonna kill yoh T!" He yelled, as y/n still wanted there answer, "so were do they come from" they asked as Jesse slammed his head onto the steering wheel as the car honked.

Tae Young 🕊

It was y/n's bedtime and as Tae was tucking them in they had a thought appeared in there mind, "Tae, Tae where do babies come from?" They asked as Tae stopped and looked at them, "um the stork brings them" Tae said kissing there forehead as y/n nodded satisfied with the answer as Tae sighed, glad that they believed that, "your to young to know" Tae said to himself.

Aaron T 🧢

"T where do babies come from" y/n asked in a serious tone as T stood there shocked and didn't know how to answer, "how about go ask Jesse" He said as y/n countined to look at him, "I did but he said it was your job to tell me" Y/n said with pleading eye's, "curse you Jesse, alright come here" he said as he sat y/n down.

1 hour later

"AAAAAAAAAAA....LA.LA.LA" Y/n screamed as they ran upstairs, "what did you tell them" Jesse asked, "what you told me to tell them" Aaron T said as jesse just facepalm, "I didn't mean tell them the whole process!" Jesse yelled as Aaron T made an O shape, "oops welp there traumatized now" he said as Jesse hit hi. upside the head.

Aaron Z 🏀

"Z where do babies come from" y/n asked stop playing basketball as Z stopped in his tracks, "I'll pay you one thousand dollars if you don't ask me that until your in highschool" Z said to tired to explain it and didn't want them to know yet, "deal oh and you have to take me to my favorite stores" they said as Z nodded and shook there hands, he wanted his sibling to stay innocent and not know that yet, he also was tooo tired to deal with that.

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