💙4town🧡part 2

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Tae Youngs pov

"Tae, Tae, TAE!"  T yelled as I groaned and sat up, "What?" I said clearly tired and annoyed, "Y/n's got a fever she's resting right now but I thought you should know, we also can't find the doll" He said as I looked at him confused, "it was with her last night" I said.

"Found it!" I heard Jesse yell as he came up the stairs with it, "where was it" Z asked stepping away from it, "the strangest place, I found it on the dinning room table and the stove was on" Jesse said as I just looked at him, "she had it when she went to sleep" I thought to myself, "y/n did you get up in the night and move it" Robaire asked as y/n rapidly shook there head no, "don't lie y/n" Robaire said,."I'm not lying!" She said back as I could see Robaire was ticked off, "What have I told you about talking back" Robaire said raising his voice, "to not to" she said in a soft voice, "you shouldn't even get this doll back, you need to learn a lesson" Robaire said going to take the doll out of Jesse's hands until I took it and glared at him, "if she said she didn't do it, she didn't do it, I could have forgotten to give to her last night and lefted it there, so don't blame her" I said giving it to her as I brushed the hair out of her face, "gets some rest dovie" I said placing the doll next to her as she smiled and went back to sleep.

3rd pov

"I don't know why you hate y/n so much but can't you just be a little less hard on her" Tae young said as crossed his arms looking at Robaire, "I don't hate her, I hate how you and Devon disciplined her, letting her get her way just because she can't.." Robaire started to rant but was cut off by Tae, "Don't you finish that sentence! SHE'S ONLY SIX YEARS OLD!! She just a child, the way me and Devon raised her was completely fine, you know I really thought this would be a new start for us, especially her, but you know what I'm regretting moving in with your ass again, I thought you'd change but no your still the same old Robaire" I said storming off, leaving him stunned.

Time skip

"Tae come on we need to go" Jesse said trying to drag Tae young out of the room, "No My child needs me!!" Tae said being a bit dramatic, "Y/n please tell your daddy, you'll be alright by yourself for an hour or so" Jesse pleaded as Y/n nodded, "see, she admitted it let's go!" Jesse said throwing Tae over his shoulder, "ugh let me go now, bye dovie! Call me if you need anything" Tae yelled as Jesse countined to carry him as y/n just giggled.

Y/n was sleeping peacefully well, until she heard a door slam, at first she got spooked so she called out the guy's, "Daddy, Uncle T, Z, Jesse, Robaire! Is that you" she yelled as she noticed the doll was gone, she decided to go investigate as she got into her wheelchair and went to the hallway, "anyone here" she asked as she looked around, no one was there so why did she hear a slam of a door, she was brought out of her thoughts by another whisper, "y/n"~ the voice said which y/n recognized it was her Papa's voice, Devon's voice, "Papa" she said looking around.

She was brought out from her thoughts by another slam of the door as she saw that her bedroom door was shut and locked as she tried going to another room it slammed on her as all of the rooms doors slammed shut as she grew scared and went to the stairs.

She was able to get on it, she had some trouble but was able to get onto it as she started it, it started taking her down the stairs as she started to calm down, but as she was calming her self down the stair lift had abruptly stopped as she kept hitting the button it started up again but going back up the stairs, "No,no, no, come on thing work" she kept pleading as she tried to not cry as it brought her back to the stairs, she was breathing heavily as she looked around, and broke into tears, it was quiet until all of sudden Y/n was grabbed from the chair, as blood curling scream could be heard from the whole house, until the demon or whatever decided to drop y/n right onto the concrete floor, the last thing y/n saw was the doll before she passed out.

Hours later the guy's came home, it was quiet to quiet for there liking, "Y/n! Dovie were home!" Tae yelled as he put the groceries down as he walked to the stairs, as he turned the lights on there was y/n's body laying on the floor, as Tae gasped and ran over to her, calling the other's.

Another timeskip

"Pushed down the stairs?" Tae said holding onto his daughter's hand as she laid in her bed, "I don't understand none of us were home, it's impossible for someone to have Pushed her her" Tae said looking at the doctor, "the impact had to be from a push, there's no way she could have just fallen" the doctor Said leaving as Tae just stood there, as y/n stir in her sleep Tae turned his attention towards her, as he brushed hair out of her face, "I want annabelle" she said in a whisper as Tae nodded and went to go grab the doll.

"Where is it" Tae said looking everywhere as Aaron z came out from the shadows, "Gahhhh Z your scared the crap out of me, oh great you found the doll" Tae said going to grab the doll but was stop by Z, "this doll needs to be destroyed" Z said holding it as Tae just looked at him, "come on Z your looking into this to much" Tae said as Z just rolled his eye's, "come on Tae, things have been weird sense we got here, this doll needs to be destroyed, if your not gonna do that, then I will" Z said as Tae just sighed, "alright I'll tell y/n that I can't find the doll, we'll destroy it tomorrow" Tae said as Z nodded but unknownest to them were that things were gonna get worse


So I've been coming up with these idea's when I'm supposed to be sleeping, I almost scare my self while writing these, i hope you enjoyed this!

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