experiments: Tae young part 3

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A/n this is going to be a tad bit dark, warnings blood, needles and some swear words, along with hallucinations.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned  into Months, but Tae was determined to find his sister, Tae refused to go on tour or even record anything, as did the rest of the 4town members, they'd countine there search for her.

Tae was getting ready to go to the undercity to get more people searching for her, sevika, Vander, Slico and benzo were already doing what they could do but it wasn't enough for them, as Tae went to meet the other's his phone rang and it was a unknown number, as he answered it.

"Hello" Tae young said as he stopped walking, "is this Tae young" the man asked, "who is this" Tae said cautions, " my name is Wayne munson, my nephew was one of the many missing kids" the man said as Tae eyes widened, "I wanted to call you and say keep fighting for your sister, whatever you do keep her in the media, keep pushing hard, interviews, search parties whatever you have to do keep fighting" Wayne said as Tae let out a breath, "why are you telling me this" Tae said, "my nephew, Eddie, after about a two months after he disappeared I think or maybe even sooner, they shut the case, because they couldn't find him, they reopened the case because your sister went missing, it only a certain amount of time before they shut it, and she becomes one of the many cold cases" he Said as Tae wiped his tears and looked at the other members, "I will, thank you very much" Tae said as a small your welcome came out.

"Who was that Tae" Robaire asked as Tae stood there, "we need to set up a interview" Tae said, as the others looked at him, "what do you mean Tae" Aaron Z asked, "if I don't keep fighting for her, or anything, it will be for nothing" Tae said as he stormed out to the car as the other members understood.

As they were being driven to part of the undercity, Robaire got a call from the manager, "WERE ARE YOU GUY'S YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE HERE TODAY" the manger yelled, as Robaire sighed, "Tae still doesn't want to perform and he has a good reason why" Robaire yelled back.

With the manger he slammed his phone down and ran his hand through his hair, as he picked it up and called someone, "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET IT DONE" Eric the manger yelled, as a sigh came out of Elliott Ludwig mouth, "patient, I need more time" Elliott said hanging up, as Eric huffed and looked at the missing picture flyer as he started to rip it apart and throw it everywhere.

"Alright everyone" Vander said putting his hands down onto the bar, "times running short, it's been a months sense y/n/n, went missing we need all the help we can get if we expect to bring her home" Vander countine as the whole undercity roard with agreement, "if those damn enforcers won't do anything about it then we have to do whatever it takes" Sevika said as everyone agreed, as Tae walked out from the shadows, "Thank you everyone for helping to try and find my baby sister, the day she went missing is a day that will haunt me for the rest of my life, but I won't rest until she's found" Tae said as everyone started roaring with cheers again, as Slico started handing out her picture to people.

As Tae and the others were talking powder just looked at vander very confused on what was going on, she didn't understand why she couldn't see her friend or why all the grown ups were so upset or sad, but VI, claggor and mylo knew what was going and what was happening, as VI nudged Claggor and nodded her head as they all went to grab the wagon, and started loading the wagon with flyers, "can we go out and put these flyers up around the city" Vi asked going up to Vander, "alright, just be careful and be back before it gets dark" Vander said as VI nodded and walked out with mylo and claggor, as Slico held powder, as tae had a half smile, looking at the kids as he thought to himself.

Y/n's pov

Me and Eddie were both jumping off and on the bed as we kept laughing at each other, we weren't aloud to go outside the only time we could is to walk the halls, but lately after we eat our memories were very foggy, and I started to forget things, places, and people, as Eddie threw the ball at me I went to catch it as it bounced into the halls as I got off the bed, " I'll get it" I say laughing, as I went to grab the ball I passed by mommy's room and I wasn't supposed to be in there but my curiosity got the best of me as I walked in and looked at the toy on the table and smiled but that smiled turned into a face of horror.

There I saw pictures of one of the kids that said experiment 103, success and it says my new born kitten is that written in blood I say to myself and looked to see a bloody catbee and a girl that was holding herself as she was being experiment on, and next to it there was a paper that says the last experiment, Experiment 180 which was Eddie's picture or Experiment 200 and it showed my picture as I almost puked, running back towards our room, as Eddie's laughs stopped as he looked at me and sat down next to me, as the little tv we had started to play something, "hey were on tv" Eddie says, as I lifted my head, and there was a picture of me and Eddie, "two kids still missing from playtime Co, Eddie munson has been missing for six months to a year, and y/n young has been missing for four months" the news reported said, as it turned to an interview, at first I didn't recognize the face for minutes until the lady said his name, Tae, Tae" I say starting to cry and walking towards the tv, "please if you have my sister or you know were she is, please let her come home  I beg of you, and y/n if your watching this know I'm doing everything I can do to get to you, know I... we love you so much" Tae said starting to cry as I started to tear up he's still looking for me I thought to myself as the interview continue, I heard foot steps as I grabbed Eddie's hand a lead him towards an tunnel/room a way to get out of this hell hole, "y/n, what are you doing" he said as I closed the door, "leave!! I'm sorry but this is the only way" I say holding the door and watching him with pleading eyes as he ran out, at least he will be safe, I say to myself as one of the scientists grabbed my arm as I stared in terror.

"I guess we don't have to pick one of you brats to test on" he said pulling me as I kept thrashing around until they reached this operating room as I kept kicking and screaming,  as they strapped my legs and arms and my head to the table as they inject some kind of medicine into me as my breathing started to shorten as I started to hallucinate, at first I saw a older version of VI and a slightly older version of powder, "VI" I say out of breath and in pain, and after that I see hallucination of my brother, "I'd like to say this won't be painful, but I'm afraid it's only gets worse" Tae/the scientists said as he held my head down, "NO NO NO" I screamed as they started to inject things into me that burned as I kept screaming and rolled my eyes towards the back of my head.

As I started to slowly wake up I saw Eric or at least I thought I did, "the one kid got away, but if this goes right, the news will forget her and I'll get what I want and you'll get what you want" I heard a man say, "good" I heard Eric say but no how could he as I took shallow breaths and saw him smirking at me as I passed out.

And done wooo this got a bit intense hope your still liking it, like i said there will be two endings to this!

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