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A/n warning this will Angst I'm in the mood for it sooo here you go!

Y/n's pov

"Holy shit" I said to myself looking at the pregnancy test and covered my mouth, no no this can't happen, shit Jesse is going to kill me, what do I do, "hey y/n" Tae said knocking on the door as I hid the test in the cabinet, "yeah" I said nervously, "you alright in there, you've been in there for awhile now" he asked, as I tried to come up with an excuse, "yeah I'm alright, I just uhh started my period" I say great excuse y/n, "alright let me know if you need anything" Tae said as I heard him walk away, as I let out a sigh, "this can't be happening" I say to myself as I held myself, "I'm so dead" I said to myself.

"Hey I'm going out I'll be back before midnight" I said coming down the stairs and grabbing my purse, "hey you alright you've seem pretty distant lately so" Jesse asked as I nodded, "I'm good all good" I said speed walking out of the house as I left him before he could say anything.

Jesse's pov

I stood there shocked and stunned, "do you guy's know what's up with y/n I'm very worried about them" I said looking at the door, "she's a teenager she's fine" Robaire said as I sighed and picked up the laundry basket, "I guess if you say so" I said walking away.

As I was putting away towels in y/n's bathroom I noticed something hidden in the drawers as I contemplated if I wanted to investigate it, "fuck it" I said grabbing the box and opened it as I saw a postive pregnancy test, "what the fuc..." I started to say as I looked at it, no, no this is fake as I heard the door open and closed, "Y/N, M/N, L/N!!!!" I yelled as I stormed downstairs as I see y/n look at me, "what's up with you" she asked as I look at her, "do you want to explain this!" I yelled showing the test, "what are you talk..were did you get this" she asked, "no. You answer my question" I said back, "YOU WENT THROUGH MY STUFF!!" She yelled at me, "I HAD THE RIGHT, I WAS DOING YOUR LAUNDRY AND THEN I FOUND THIS, YOUR SIXTEEN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" I yelled as she stepped back a bit, "WHY DO YOU CARE YOUR JUST MY BROTHER, YOUR NOT MOM YOUR NOT DAD, YOU NEVER PAID ATTENTION TO ME!" She yelled back at me, "you know I care about you, you better have said goodbye and kissed your boyfriend goodbye because your never leaving this house again!" I said as she looked at me, "Jesse come on don't be to harsh on her, you and Jennifer had her when you guy's were sixteen" Tae young said as T kept making hand motions not to saying anything as I looked at him and glared, "what did you just say!?" Y/n said looking at Tae as he covered his mouth, "I'm so sorry Jesse i didn't.." he started frantically say as I shook my head no as I walked up to her, "y/n I'm not your brother" I started to say as I looked at the other's, "I'm your father" I finished as her eye's widened and she stepped back, "no, no You can't be no, wait so it's all been just a lie, hasn't it" she started to say as she took a step back, "you all knew about this!" She yelled at the others as they all hung there head down, "you've lied to me my whole life!" She yelled running up stairs as I chased after her, as she slammed and locked the door, "Y/N M/N YOU COME OUT RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!" I yelled banging on the door as I heard sobs, as I stopped and thought for a minute, my parents acted the same way when they found out about y/n, why am I acting like them.

As I slid down the door and sat on the floor I heard her do the same, "y/n, I'm sorry for how I reacted" I said as I noticed her calming down, "why didn't you tell me" she asked, as I sighed, "I wanted to but mom and- your grandparents they were so angery at me, after you were born, your mother and I went are separate ways, she didn't want the responsibility and I didn't want to abandon you" I said leaning against the door, "that still doesn't explain why you kept it from me" she said as I sighed, "one day, after a doctor's appointment for you, my parents and I got into an argument, well mostly my father, I told them for then on I was taking you to your appointments and was planing on moving out, they never let me parent you, people started to think they were your parents not me" I started to say as I remember that day clearly.


"FOR NOW ON I'M TAKING Y/N TO THE DOCTOR'S WITHOUT YOU!" I yelled going into the nursery with a box in hand, "oh come on your overreacting" my dad said, "The doctor's don't even know that I'm y/n's father" I said going through the drawers, "well she might as well be ours, your incredible irresponsible!" He yelled at me, "you don't even allow me to parent her, nor care for her!" I come back with as he goes to say something but got interrupted by my mom, "you guy's are both children instead of arguing how about trying to comfort her" she said as I glared at my dad, "I'll take her" we both said as I held my arms out to her, "dada" y/n said softly as she looked at me as I smiled, "your first word!" I said going towards her as my dad took her out of my mom's arms, "aw I knew you saw me as your daddy" he said as I started to tear up, "Jesse, come on it's almost nap time want to put her to sleep" my mom asked trying to lighten up the mood, as I shook my head and grabbed my bag, "Jesse don't go, she needs you" my mom pleaded as I went to say something but my dad cut me off, "she doesn't need him, your a disgrace towards this family if you walk out of this house you'll never be allowed to see her again" he threatened as I sighed and walked over to him and kissed her on the head, "I'm so sorry" I said to her walking out of the house.

Back to the present

"I made you leave, it's my fault" Y/n said her voice cracking as my eye's softened, "no it isn't, I chose what I chose that day and I deeply regret it, mom tried having visitation with me but we were more like strangers then family"I said as I heard the door unlock and saw her puffy eyes, as I went in and gave her a hug, "I retook the test, it ended up being negative" she said as I sighed in relief, "you don't have to worry about my boyfriend, we broke up" she said starting to cry more as I kept hugging her, "shhh it's alright how about we talk about this and watch a movie" I said as she nodded, "I'd like that dad" she said as I looked at her with a smile and kissed her on the forehead, "I love you too, you don't know how long I've waited for you to say that" I said a we both looked at each other and laughed.

Hope you enjoyed this!

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