🤍4town 💙

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A/n: this was requested by @GoldStar_101, hope you like it, this is angst so if you don't like angst please don't read I won't mind. also slightly inspired by Arcane

Jesse pov:

"She's still not up" I asked looking at her room, "I saw her earlier this morning" Tae young said as we kept looking at the room, "I'm gonna go check up on her" I started to say but was cut off by T and Z, "just leave her" Z said walking off, I look to T for an answer but he refused to look at me.

Later on

"Y/n, can come in" I said knocking softly, "yeah" she said as I walked in, "hey are you alright" I asked, as she just looked at me and turned around, holding her stuffed animal close to her chest, "hey, how about you come to the dinning table for breakfast, I made pancakes and-" I started to say but was cutoff by her, "no thank you, I'm not hungry" she said looking into the distance, "you need to eat something, how about a apple or-" I said as she just glared at me.

"I SAID I'M NOT HUNGRY LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yelled and turned her back against me, as I look at her in shock as I sighed and left, "when you want to talk, let me know" I said leaving.

"I'm really am concerned about her, she won't even look at me, what did I do wrong" I said rubbing my face, "she'll be fine just give her a few days" Robaire said kind of looking nervous, "did you have something to do with this" I asked looking at him, "of course not, I would never do anything to hurt y/n's feels, you know that" Robaire said defensive as Aaron T chuckled to himself, "oh really" He said as Robaire looked at him, "yes really!" He said in a snarl.

"What is going on" I asked as no one spoke, until, "A jinx's, you called her a Jinx's" Z said looking at Robaire, "you don't know what your talking about" Robaire said looking at him, "oh really because right after the accident of the concert instead of checking up on her and seeing if she was ok, you let your anger and frustration out" Z said raising his voice, "I was upset, SHE WAS MESSING UP EVERYTHING!" He yelled as I just looked at him in utter belief, "SHE'S JUST A CHILD! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! You push so much pressure on her, she's only 13, she shouldn't have to deal with your bullshit or the medias bullshit" Z yelled as Robaire stood there in shock, "I didn't mean it, I really didn't" He said looking at the floor, "you said it, and there's no taking it back" T said leaving the table as did Z.

"She always acted so happy afterwards, even after what you did and said" Tae young said as I countined to look at the both, "what happened, what did you do to my little sister" I raised my voice, as Tae left.

"You remember that night, the one were our wings break" Robaire started as I nodded, "y/n had made the wings for it, and when the wings snapped, i also snapped" he started.

3rd pov

"Robaire! It worked! Did you see it, my wings finally worked" y/n said excitedly as Robaire stood up, "you did this?" He asked as y/n finally realized what happened as she looked around, "why, why would you do this" Robaire asked looking at y/n as she held onto her stuffed animal, "I was helping you guy's, I only wanted to help, I only wanted to help, I only wanted to-" y/n started but was cut off, "I told you to stay away" Robaire said walking up to her, "Robaire please" y/n said tears streaming down her face, "I told you to stay away!" Robaire yelled as he slapped her, as y/n looked at him shocked and scared, "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!" She yelled as Robaire grabbed her face, because your a JINX'S! The manger was right!" He yelled as y/n kept crying, but he realized what he had done and looked at his hand and looked at his friends sister, "ROBAIRE PLEASE!" She yelled as Robaire just shook his head left.

"ROBAIRE! ROBAIRE! PLEASE! PLEASE COME BACK PLEASE! I NEED YOU" she screamed as Robaire walked away, she just sat there cry until T, Z and Tae came.

End of flashback

Jesse's pov

"YOU HIT MY SISTER!" I yelled as he looked up at me with an apologetic look, "you know how she feels about being alone, you a abandoned her!" I yelled, "don't you think i know that, i feel terrible for what i did" he said as I shook my head and went up stairs.

I walked into her room, I saw her sitting on her bed, as I sat next to her, and looked at her, and hugged her, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I should've been there" I said starting to cry as she holds onto me, "I didn't mean to do anything wrong!" She said in between sobs as I countine to hug her, "no it was my fault, y/n sense the day you were born, I had always made it my mission to have you be safe and happy" I said cupping her cheeks wiping the tears.

"I know I haven't been the best brother, the rise of fame went into my head, I forgot what was right infront of me" I said smiling at her and trying to calm her down, "my sweet, beautiful baby sister, I should have never let those people pressure you, I should have been a better brother for you" I said as she just hugged me, "I love you" she says as I hold her, "I love you two" I said letting her lean her head on my shoulder.

~Dear friend across the river
My hands are cold and bare~

I started to softly sing her a lullaby, as I could see that calm her.

Dear friend across the river
I'll take what you can spare
I use to sing this when we were kids it always seemed to calm her

~I ask of you a penny
My fortune, it will be
I ask you without envy
We raise no mighty towers
Our homes are built of stone~

~So come across the river
And find the world below~

I saw her falling asleep as she leaned up against, letting her grip lose as brushed through her hair and placed her in bed, as I crawled in, holding onto her, I could see her relaxing to the lullaby as I brushed hair out of her face.

~Dear friend across the river
My hands are cold and bare
Dear friend across the river
I'll take what you can spare
I ask of you a penny
My fortune, it will be
I ask you without envy
We raise no mighty towers
Our homes are built of stone
So come across the river
And find the world below~

I countined as she fell into deep sleep but before she fell asleep she mumbled a couple of words as I softly smiled, "I forgive Robaire" she said as I kissed her forehead and fell asleep, I'll have to tell him that.

A/n: I hope you liked this I really tried, again if you have anymore requests let me know same for all the oneshot books!

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