💜Aaron Z and Aaron T💙

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A/N DO NOT JUDGE ME OK! I SHIP AARON T AND Z TOGETHER! So that's why I came up with this

Aaron Z  pov

Me and T were laying in bed with each other as we held each other as all of sudden T said something
"I want a baby" he said as my eye's widened, "what do you mean" I asked looking at him, "I want a baby, I want to give a child the love they need and deserve" he said looking at me as I softly smiled at him and kissed his forehead, "that's the thing I love about you" I said as he snuggled against me, "does that mean we can adopt" he asked as I lightly chuckled,"yes it does" I say as we continued to cuddle.

3rd pov

A year had passed and the Aaron Z and T were finally cleared to adopt, they had finally got the call that the mother of there baby was giving birth, T was beyond excited he was so happy to become a dad he just couldn't hold in his excitement, Z was also very excited but he was also calm and collected.

As they parked the car both T and Z  looked at each as they both sighed as T looked at Z with a smile, "you excited to meet our child" Aaron Z asked moving hair out of his face, "more then ready" T said as Z softly smiled, "you know after today, our lives are going to be completely different" Z said as T nodded as Z kissed his hand, "let's go do this" Z said as they both got out of the car.

"May I help you" the front nurse said looking at the couple as Aaron Z and T nodded, "yes, a lady came in and was giving birth, were adopting the baby" Aaron Z said squeezing Aaron T's hand as he smiled at him, "Right, follow me" the lady said with a smile as Aaron T and Z smiled at each other, and walked through the halls, "did you guy's know what you were having"  the lady asked turning her head and giving a soft smile, "No we don't but honestly were just happy to be able to adopt this little miracle" Aaron T said as Z nodded in agreement, as they came up to the nursery as they saw a nurse holding the baby and coming out of the room as the social worker came out around the corner, "Aaron Z and Aaron T, it's very nice to see you guy's" the social worker said standing next to the nurse, "nice to see you as well" Aaron Z said as T walked up to the nurse, "there beautiful" T said eye's watering, "it's a baby girl" the nurse said as T looked at the nurse and back at the baby, "hi baby girl" T said smiling and crying, "Can I hold her" T asked as the nurse nodded, "we can finish the paperwork in a little bit, congratulations on your baby girl" the social worker said as Aaron Z nodded and walked in the room were T and the nurse were in, "hold her like this, make sure to support the head" the nurse said putting the baby in his arms, "hi sweetie I'm your daddy, well one of your daddy's" Aaron T said smiling at the baby as the little girl opened her eyes and looked at T and Z as she immediately went  back to sleep and snuggled up to Aaron T as he let out a shaky breath and smiled, "what's her name" the nurse asked, "Y/n, y/n, m/n" both Aaron T and Z said as Z held T as they both smiled at each other, "this is our baby girl Z" Aaron T said letting out a sob, as Did Aaron Z, "she's going to do amazing things" Aaron Z said smiling and kissing T's head as the looked at there baby girl, the light to there life, there daughter, there little y/n.

A couple of weeks later

Cries could be heard at the Aaron's house as both of them sighed, "your turn to get up" Aaron T said as Z chuckled, "it's your turn" Z said as T chuckled and hit him with a pillow and got up, as he walked over to the bassinet they had in there room, "shhh it's alright" T said softly trying to soothe the baby back to sleep, "can you hold her, I need to go grab a bottle" Aaron T asked as Z nodded and took her out of T's arms, as y/n started to cry a little bit, "shh it's alright daddy will be back" Aaron Z
Said soothing the baby as her cries started to stop, as T came back with a bottle, "I can take her back" Aaron T said as Z shook his head no, "Can I feed her" Aaron Z asked as T nodded and gave the bottle as T smiled softly at his husband, "you going in tomorrow" Aaron T asked as Z shrugged, "I'm not sure, I don't want to leave you two" Aaron Z said starting to burp the baby, "you know we are going to have to tell the other's sooner or later"  Aaron T said taking the baby out of Z's arms and held the baby, "I know but.." Aaron Z started to say, "but nothing we have to tell them" Aaron T said getting up and swaddling the baby and placing her back in the bassinet, as he crawled back in bed and cuddle against Z as they both held each other.

"Come on y/n please stop crying" Aaron T said trying to soothe baby as he kept trying to feed her, he kept trying everything to calm her down but was no use, both him and Z didn't get any sleep after she woke up both were very tired and drained of energy, finally T was able to get her to sleep as he sighed and placed her in the bassinet, and sat down, all of a sudden there was a loud knock on the door which woke up little y/n, as Aaron T cursed under his breath and picked her up, "it's alright, shhh calmed down I'm right here" Aaron T said rocking her back in forth as Aaron Z ran downstairs, "Jesus I'm coming! hang on!" Aaron Z said clearly agitated as he opened the door and saw Robaire, Jesse and Tae, "oh hey guy's what are you doing here" Z said leaning against the door frame, "WHERE HAVE YOU GUY'S BEEN" Robaire yelled which started crying again as Aaron Z mentally facepalm, "wait is that crying" Jesse asked, as Aaron Z tried shutting the door but was cutoff by hearing T's yell, "Z can you please come up here and help me" Aaron T said desperately as Z gave up and went up stairs, "I given her a bottle, I've changed her diapers, I've tried rocking her back to sleep but nothing is working" Aaron T said as he noticed the other's but didn't care, "do you have a pacifier" Jesse asked as T and Z looked at him, as they found one and placed it into her mouth as y/n wails started to fade, "thank god, thank you so much Jesse" Aaron T said as Jesse nodded and smiled at the baby, "so this is why you haven't showed up" Tae said smiling as Robaire went to lecture them but stopped once he saw the little girls face, "welcome to the 4town family" Robaire said as they all smiled, Aaron T and Aaron Z both knew that this baby girl would be raised with so much love and support around her.

A/n thank you for 1k!! I'm so excited and happy, hope you enjoyed this!

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