Aaron Z 💜

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Another request, I forgot who requested this so if you are the person who did. I hope you like it!

Aaron T's pov

"No problem we'll be alright Jesse, yeah, Tae young is here, I'm not sure where y/n is, but I'm sure it won't be long, ok got it, byee" I said hanging up, "What did Jesse say" Tae asked peaking his head up from his bowl of ramen, "Jesse and the other's are working a bit late" I said putting my phone down and going to grab a soda.

All of a sudden I heard the door opening and slamming shut, "oh hey kiddo, your brother is working late, so I thought maybe we could-" I started to say as she just stormed through, "I don't care!" she said storming upstairs, "Is everything alright" Tae asked concerned, "Leave me alone!" Y/n said slamming her bedroom door as both me and Tae looked at each other with concern.

Tae young pov:

"Sweetie are you alright, do you want something to eat or to drink" I asked softly, "GO AWAY!" She yelled over the music, "ok..." I said softly, "what's going on" T asked, as I just shrugged, " I don't know, but from the sounds of it, maybe a heartbreak or something" I said as we sat down on the couch, "well I guess we just sit down and wait it out" T said as we nodded.

Aaron Z pov:

"Hey I'm home!" I said putting my bag down as I walked into the living room hearing music being Played, "welcome home babe!" T said as I looked at him, "what the hell is going on" I said looking at them, "y/n is in her room hating the world" T said nonchalant, "why?" I asked, "my guess a boy" Tae said as I looked them, "I also hope you like her selection of music, she's been going from the quit playing games with my heart on repeat, to now not for me, it going back an forth" T said, as I gave a soft smile, "I'll talk to her" I said, "are you sure you want to do that?" Tae asked as I nodded, "good luck" T said, "didn't say I warned you" T whispered as I rolled my eye's.

"Hey sis" I said as she just looked at me and then look to the side, "go away" she said as I looked around and turned off the CD player, "Hey! I was listening to that! Y/n yelled as my eye's just softened, "Hey what's wrong, you know you cam tell me anything" I said as she just glared at me, "alright, if you need anything let me know" I said turning it back on.

"How did that go?" T asked as I just look annoyed, "told you not to go in there" he said, "I told you not to go in there" I said mockingly, as T just rolled his eye's.


"Ok, this is just creepy" Tae said as we all looked at each other, "yeah no kidding, she went from being to really sad, to somewhat anger, and now it's full on angst rage" T said shoving a mouthful of food, "alright I'm home, what's going on" Jesse said putting groceries away, "Y/n is in her room hating the whole world" we all said, "and your just down here doing nothing" Jesse said as he gave us a look, "I was giving her space" I said giving him a look, "fine, I'll go deal with it, like I always have to" he said walking to the stairs, "oh really" I said raising my voice a bit, "yes really" he said, "I don't know if you have forgotten but she's my sister" I said getting pissed off, "oh really then why do I have to do everything, honestly" Jesse said walking up stairs.

3rd pov:

"Y/n/m, you get out of your room this instance! And turn the music down now!" Jesse said in a stern voice, "MAKE ME OLD MAN!" Y/n yelled, "HEY! Watch your tone! Also I'm only 26 years old!!" Jesse yelled getting irritated, "OH REALLY BECAUSE I'VE SEEN YOUR BLONDE HAIR DYE! I'VE SEEN THE GREY HAIRS!!" Y/n yelled back, Jesse gasped in horror, and just stormed off angry, "that went well, didn't it?" Z said as Jesse just huffed and walked off and just stopped, "oh and by the way tell your sister! That I have gorgeous hair" he said storming off as Z just laughed his ass off.

Another time skip

Aaron Z pov

"Alright so I called reinforcement" I said as waving his phone, "Thank god I don't think I can take this music anymore" Tae said, as T just jammed, as a knock turn our attention.

"We are here!! Reinforcement is here" great timing I said.

"Hey Gerard, thank you for coming over. And you guy's as well" I said to her friends,
(A/n Gerard or Jared, I'm not sure)

"Do you guy's know what's going on" Tae asked, "not really, honestly she hasn't talked to us in almost a week" one of her friends said, "I'll go try and talk to her, besides I brought her favorite" Gerard said as he smiled, "thank you so much" I said leading them upstairs, "just watch, she'll come out" he said with somewhat pride.

"Hey, y/n, come on, open the door, please," he said, "WHO THE F*CK IS IT!" She yelled as we all looked in shocked, "it's me Gerard, can you please let me in" he said as the music stopped, "progress" I thought, "I brought your favorite, from the restaurant that you always make us go to-" he started but was cut off from the door opening, "hey, will you let me-" Gerard started to say as Y/n just grabbed the food and went back into her room, "well that didn't go as plan" he said rubbing his neck, "kind of thought the food would have work-" Gerard started but was cutoff by the door opening again and getting pulled into the room, "what do we do now" I said, "I guess wait" Tae said.

1 hour pass

I was pacing back in forth waiting for one of them to come out, until finally Gerard came out, "what's going on" I asked, "I really shouldn't be the one to tell you" he said as I just looked at him confused, "she wants to talk now, especially with you, she needs you, her big brother, she needs you" he said as I nodded, as him and the other's left.

"Hey y/n/n, you doing alright, he dumped me" she said softly, as my eye's just softened, "I'm so sorry honey, he didn't deserve you, but is that all" I asked as she lift her head from the pillow, "I feel like you're not there for me" y/n said as I looked at her, "your always at the recording studio, your never home, and when you are, you barely there, your still at work" She said as my heart broke, "y/n, I am so sorry, I never meant to do that to you, your my pride and joy" I said bringing her into a hug, "I know you didn't" she said as she sniffle, "I love you so much" I said hugging her, "I love you too Z" She said softly, "we good now" I said as she nodded, "you know you did good with that burn for Jesse" I said as she started to laugh.

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