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A/n Ok so I wanted to take a break from the annabelle series for a minute and just do a cute oneshot with all of the boy's.

It was late at night in the 4town household everyone was just chilling in the living room area, as they all were wrapped up in blankets, they heard a knock at the door which was odd sense it was 1:50 in the morning.

"I vote for old man Jesse to go check who's at the front door" Robaire said raising his hand up as all of the other's nodded in agreement.

"Why me!" Jesse exclaimed, as the others rolled there eye's, "isn't it obvious your old, you've lived long enough! We're still young and beautiful, we haven't lived long enough!" T yelled as Jesse just rolled his eyes and got up.

"Hi how may I" Jesse started to say but was met face to face with someone who he could care less about, "what do you want" Jesse said crossing his arms as he stepped out, "I wanted to see you, I wanted to apologizes for how we left off" the women said, as Jesse just scoffed and shook his head, "apologizes, for what! Cheating on me with one of my bandmates" Jesse said leaning against the door as the women just stood there, "why are you here?" Jesse asked as he glared at her as the women went to speak but was cut off by a cry.

Jesse shifted and looked at her, as the women revealed the bundle of blankets in her arms, "is she mine" Jesse asked as the woman looked at her, "I'm not sure, but I know she's either your's or Robaire" the women said as Jesse just scoffed pacing back and forth, "she's most likely yours and I want her to be yours" the women said as Jesse just rolled his eye's, "you really expect me to keep this away from him, really" he said as the woman just looked away, "I can't keep her" she said as Jesse just looked at her, "that's why your here, isn't it, not to see me or apologizes or anything but to leave me with your daughter" jesse said as the girl looked at him angrily, "I could have lefted her at an orphanage or abandoned her but no, I came here, I never had to tell you at all" she said as Jesse's eye's widened, she was right, she didn't have to tell him, "jesse please, I can't do this, I'm begging you, I'll never come back in your life, I'll leave you alone just please" she begged as Jesse saw the desperation in her eyes.

He held his arms out as the women placed the baby girl in his arms, he instantly fell in love, even if it wasn't his child, "go, you don't want the other's to see you right" Jesse said looking at the women as the women nodded and ran off as Jesse just hold the baby close to his chest, "I'm so sorry sweetheart" Jesse said softly as he kissed the babies forehead.

Jesse had walked back into the house as Aaron T had peaked his head from the stairs, "oh what a relief, we thought you died!" He said as Jesse just rolled his eye's, "what do you have in your arms" T asked as he walked up to Jesse as Jesse just countined to look at the baby, "is that a baby?" T asked, "someone lefted her on the door step" Jesse said lying as T just softly smiled, "she's beautiful, how could someone just leave her" T said cupping the babies cheek as the baby just snuggled closer to Jesse, "let's go introduce her to the other's" Jesse said, as T nodded.

"Where were you two" Z asked  not taking his eye's off the tv until he heard Tae gushing, "oh my goodness" Tae said walking up to Jesse, "Can I hold her" Tae asked as Jesse nodded and placed her in Tae's arms, "She's so beautiful" Tae said rocking her as he went back to the couch and sat down as T went to sit next to him along with Z.

But Robaire, he couldn't stop looking at Jesse, and Jesse knew what he was thinking, "she was left on the door step" Jesse said quietly trying to avoid eye contact with Robaire, "what should we name her" Z said taking her out of Tae youngs arms, "I was thinking y/n" Jesse said as the all smiled, "That's perfect" Z says as the baby slowly opens her eye's and smiles.

Jesse was feeding baby y/n and softly humming to himself as he kept looking at the baby, he was brought out of his thoughts by a knock at his door, "come in" Jesse said as Robaire walked in, "it was her, wasn't it" Robaire said as Jesse just sighed and nodded, "she's not sure if she's yours or mine" Jesse said as Robaire just silently stood there.

A minute went by and it was quiet until Robaire spoke, "Can I hold her" he asked as Jesse nodded and placed her in his arms, "she's adorable" he said as Jesse nodded, "but if I'm being honest, she looks more like you" Robaire said as Jesse chuckled, "I'm sorry for what happened, I truly am" Robaire said as Jesse nodded, "our life is going to get complicated and challenging,  i hope you know that" Robaire said as Jesse just looked at him, "and that's alright, we'll make it work" Jesse said looking at the baby as he softly smiled.

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