birthday 🎂 Tae young 💜 part 1

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It was six o'clock in the morning no one in the 4town household was awake but one, y/n got up at the crack of dawn watching cartoons and eating whatever she wanted, it was currently 6:30 and the huggy wuggy theme song was playing on the TV, "it's huggy, huggy wuggy, when he hugs you he'll  never stop, your friend huggy, huggy wuggy, he'll squeeze you until you pop!" As it was playing y/n jumped off the counter, "I saw this one" she said looking at the tv, as she put toast into the toaster oven, and went to make a bowl of cereal for the boys which was a huggy wuggy cereal and adding extra sugar, as she looked at the tv as they were explaining about the factory tour as she spilled the milk everywere and had sparkles in her eyes as she smelled something burning and realized the toast was burning as she took it out and put a pile of butter on it and put the bowl of cereal on the tray, as she carried it upstairs and look at the tv and looked at the card hoping it was tickets for the factory tour, "everyone wake up" y/n yelled as she went upstairs and kicked the door opened, "wake up tae tae" she said as she put the tray onto the night stand and got on the bed and started shaking him, " wake up tae tae' y/n shook him, as Tae young kept covering his head, "y/n it only 6:30 in the morning" Tae said as y/n got up and opened the blinds, "it's a beautiful day" she said looking at him as he sighed and smiled at her and brushed her hair  away, "it is happy birthday dovie" Tae said as y/n brought the food to him, "I made you guy's breakfast" she said as Tae gave her a look and gulped, "it looks delicious" he said as Aaron T came in, "do you have a hangover or something" Aaron T said as Tae looked at him and T put his arms up in defense, as all the members went downstairs still tired, as Tae put the tray back onto the night stand, and have a cuddle session, until, "Y/N!!" Jesse yelled, "uh oh" y/n said as Tae looked at her and chuckled,"how about we go downstairs and open your presents" Tae said as y/n ran downstairs, as she was going to the living room  Jesse decide to grab her and threw her up in the air, "what did I tell you about making your own food" he said tickling her and giving kisses all over the face, "no stop haha" she Squealed as she kept trying to squirm out of his hold, as she went running to the presents, and showed Tae the card, "are you sure  you don't want to open the bigger present" Aaron T asked as y/n shook her head, "alright" Tae said, as she tore open the card and read it as her smile dropped, " I thought we were going to go to the playtime factory" she said looking at Tae as he sighed, "I know you wanted to but I couldn't get time off from recording today" Tae said as y/n sighed and looked away as Tae sighed.

At the studio y/n was reading a book waiting for them to be done so they can get lunch as Tae was walking with Robaire, "I feel bad for y/n, she really wanted to go to that place" Tae said as Robaire sighed, "don't worry we'll have another day off" Robaire said as he smiled as Tae noticed and one of the secretary walked by them surprised, " weren't you guy's supposed to be off today, I could have sworn it was off because of your sister's birthday" the woman said as Tae blinked at her, and ran off, " did any of you guy's check the agenda out for today" Tae said as they all shook there head, as Tae went to the white board, "we were supposed to have today off" Tae exclaimed, "are you serious" Jesse said, as Tae looked at Robaire, "what time is it" Tae asked as he passes the room, "12:30" Robaire said as Tae mumbled, "there still time" he said running to were y/n was and waiting in the room, "hey dovie" Tae said as y/n looked up from her book, "you still want to go to the factory" Tae said as y/n eye's sparkled as she nodded rapidly, "let's go" Tae said as she sprinted out of the room, as he chuckled.

At the factory

As y/n ran out of the limo and into the factory, Tae chuckled and ran after her along with the other members, "y/n/n wait up" Robaire said as she stopped for a minute, "come on hurry up, you guys aren't that old" she said jumping up and down, "did we just get called old by a seven year old" Aaron Z said to Aaron T as he shrugged and Jesse laughed and Tae went up to her, "before we go in here you got to promise me you either hold onto my hand or one of the others hand ok" Tae said as y/n nodded, and hold onto her hand, as they walked in and y/n was in awe, "hello, welcome to playtime Co, how can I help you" the lady asked, "we here to do one of tours, it's my sister's birthday" Tae said as y/n stepped on her tip toes, and waved, "oh happy birthday, how many tickets" the lady said, "as Tae brought his wallet back, as y/n saw the gift shop, "can we go there afterwards, I want to get something for VI, Powder, and mylo and claggor!" She asked as Tae smiled, "of course" Tae said ruffling her hair, "come on let's go" Tae said as he took her hand, and she smiled and ran up to were the huggy staute was, "HUGGY" she exclaimed as the others were creeped out by the staute.

"Thank you for joining this tour, please make your way towards the gift shop have a good day" Elliott Ludwig says, as everyone left, as the 4town members started to go towards the gift shop, "alright, me and the others are going to go to the bathroom" Tae said, "stay with Aaron Z and T" Jesse said as she nodded, as they guy's left as Aaron T and Z started to swing y/n back and forth as she kept laughing, as Aaron T and Z were walking to the gift shop, as somebody bumped into Z and as he said sorry and the girl started to scream, "OH MY GOD IT'S AARON T AND AARON Z" She screamed as all fan girls and and fan boys started surrounding them, and pushing y/n out of the way, "Z, T!, anyone" she yelled as she curled up into a ball, as Elliott Ludwig came up to her, "hey kid what are you doing here" Elliott said, as she lifted her head up, "I got separated from my brother's" she said crying, "I can take you to him" he said holding his hand out, "I'm not aloud to go with strangers" y/n said looking at him, "don't worry, I'll take you straight to him, come on" he said as y/n reluctant took his hand.

With 4town
As they were able to get away from the fans T and Z sighed, "hey y/n/n you alright" T said looking behind him and seeing no one, "y/n! Come out this isn't funny" Aaron Z said, " what's going on" Jesse said as Tae looked around, "where's y/n" Tae asked, "Tae we got sworm by fans and the next thing we know she wasn't there" Aaron T say crying as Tae gave a face of horror, and ran towards the security, "I CAN'T FIND MY SISTER" Tae exclaimed to the security guard, "ok calm down sir what's her name and what was she wearing" the guy asked as Tae told him and after an hour of looking the security guard says to them that they need to file a missing persons report, as Tae young collapse and starts to cry as the other members try to comfort him as he kept crying and screamed her name, "Y/N!!" He yelled, as y/n kept looking back, " I want to go home" she said, as Elliott picked her up as she struggled but started to fall asleep, as she whispered, "Tae, tae" she said then falling asleep.

Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!

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