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Y/n's pov

You may think being the little sister of Robaire is the most amazing thing on earth. Welp hate to break it to you it is not, hi my name is y/n I'm the youngest and the sixth member of 4town, basically the baby and the werid one out of my brother's band, for me and my brother we didn't always hate each other, our childhood was pretty normal and happy, well until one day.

One day after a fight our parents had, our mom went out but she never came back, after that Dad started to drink heavily but he'd still tried to be there for us, but there's only so much alcohol a persons body can take, while Robaire was away at college our dad died of alcohol poisoning, I was still a child, I didn't understand anything, what I did understand back then was that Robaire dropped everything to take care of me, but with him being the leader he had already had a lot of pressure to be perfect, the role model, and when the paparazzi found out about me they definitely started to make things worse for him, and in return he put a lot of pressure on me, and for awhile I listened and was that perfect sister, but people grow up, and people drift apart.

"Y/N TIME TO WAKE UP" Robaire yelled as I rolled my eye's getting up and stretching as I looked at my room and went to get dressed, as I heard a bang at my window, "hey Eddie what are you doing here" I said finishing on putting my makeup as I sat down on my bed, "thought we could walk to school together" He said, as I smiled but that smiled disappeared when I saw my brother come in, "y/n I've been calling you for the past ten minutes" He said as he finally noticed Eddie as he sighed and walked over to me trying to put a Bobby pin in my hair, "woah, what do you think your doing" I said moving away, as he kept trying, "I just want to see your pretty face" he said as I kept moving away, "why out of all the day's do you have to be difficult" he said as I glared at him as he sighed and started to pick up my clothes, "clean your room, I'd wish you changed" he said as i glared at him, "I wished you change" I said huffing.

~Just one day
That's all I need
Just a day without him nagging
Just one day
I beg, I plead
But the drag just keeps on dragging , While I wish for just one Monday
Or a Friday to be free
Free to slouch and sulk and mumble
And be messy and be me, All I ask is for twelve hours
To live my life my way
Just one simple, awesome, crazy, epic, day~

I looked at Eddie, Eddie understood were I was coming from, I hated being this perfect, I hated that I can't be myself I just wished Robaire didn't have to be so strict on me, he doesn't know how stressful it can get.

~Just one day
Is all I want
With my family united
Fears at bay
No fights, no taunts
Just the six of us delighted
I mean, look, I love my sister, I love my work, I love my life
And I love my bandmates
And in a day I'll be singing
And I'll throw the perfect concert
And we'll have one happy, loving family day. Tomorrow is the concert
And tonight is the rehearsal
And there is no room for error
I mean not one flaw! We've got fans in just ten hours
Dress the tables
Trim the flowers
I want beauty and perfection
I want total awe!~

~And remember that reporter
'Cause it's crucial that we court her
The band is depending on this one success~

~Now breathe, but thank you, Eric
And in fact that is the story
So get moving, move this produce
And remove this mess!

Y/n! L/n! Breakfast now!

~One more day
he's on my back
he's been riding me forever
With all my faults
And all I lack
And all I- oh whatever!~

As y/n groaned slamming her pen down and putting away her notebook, as she looked at her outfit for the concert she kind of liked it but also didn't she hated it, she hated how she looked in it.

~'Cause I'm lazy and I'm average
And I'm sloppy for a start
And I know he'd like a sister
Who was pretty, neat, and smart
And I know the man's perfect
But I'll never be that way
Not for a single solitary day~

As y/n grabbed her coat and ranted to Eddie, Robaire wanted this list of impossible things to come from y/n and it was to much for her.

~One more day
She'll fight and fuss
When her joy is all I'm after~

~It's been a long tough time for us
And now it's time to hear some laughter~

Tae young:
~'Cause we only want her happy~

~And well punctual and clean
But she mumbles and she crumbles
And at times she's outright mean~

Robaire was so frustrated that somedays he just want to strangle her as the boy's were trying to keep him calm.

Aaron T and Aaron Z:
~She's bright and so insightful~

~But those traits aren't on display
Not lately, often, ever, not today~


~Y/n dear, it's not the time
No, that apron is a crime
And that sea bass isn't fresh
It's three days dead~

~Robaire, I really need to know if I can-
Wait, now where'd he go
Ugh, I'll never draw him~ focus
From the bread

~It's a million little things (Robaire it's just a little concert. Robaire, oh one other thing)
From the riesling to the rings (Just a silly little concert. See the costume designer)
And I have to count out every single step!~

~What a day! (Hey! Robaire, not okay. But really who can tell?)
What a day! (Robaire, hey! Safe to say. It's okay!)
What a day! (Hey! Hey! Okay! It's okay!)
Yay! (Hey! Hey! Okay? It's okay!)
Hey! Hey! Okay! It's okay!
Robaire, hey! Okay? It's okay!~

Just one day, that's all we get (Just one day)
Till the concert, the audition, the story! (To show my skills!)
Just one day, sunrise, sunset (To get cashed out)
And then night in all it's glory! (Just say the word and he'll, (we'll) be on our way)~

Robaire and y/n:
~For one stressful (Perfect)
Busy (Winning)
Anxious (Stellar)
High stakes (Epic)
Do or die
Crazy day!~

As everyone ran out of breath and sat at the table to eat breakfast unknownest to them the drama that awaits for them.

A/n new short series and its freaky friday the musical hope you enjoyed im gonna go head to bed, goodnight!

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