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| p r o l o g u e |

The poster was a thing very much present in my life. I tried to get rid of it but it gets difficult when you are just about to enter our town. Our small town with our very own fields of corn and when you enter our town your eyes will catch a huge poster advertising clothes for kids.

The poster continued to stay on even after summer finished and they put up a fresh poster of the same every summer. Why they didn't change it baffles me. It was like they were mascots for summer clothes for kids in this little town.

It has three little kids on it. The poster reads in bold italics "Summer's almost here". It shows a boy with golden curls and sparkling blue eyes that look like the sky. A girl with an oval face and round, innocent, kaleidoscopic eyes. Her long honey blonde hair is perfectly straight with cute bangs covering her forehead. Then there is a girl with thick dark brown hair that is a wierd length which are in waves. She has dull brown eyes and has a faraway expression unlike the smiling faces of the other two angels.

I'm sure everyone notices that the girl on the right is not the best feature of the poster, plus she is taller than the boy. She looks awkward and it feels like she doesn't really belong. She looks aloof as she stands away from the boy while the other little girl looks naturally and effortlessly perfect as she rests her pretty little head on his shoulder.

The above description about the brunette basically tells my personality because I am that girl in the poster. The awkward, dorky and aloof girl who is plain to look at. I sometimes wonder how I got up in that poster. There is such a stark difference between me and the two other kids.

It feels weird to be best friends with those two.


Hey peeps! I know the prologue thingy is boring but read on. It gets better I swear. I suck at introductions and stuff like that. The idea of this story that just came to my mind when I saw this picture of three kids on an advertisement on the newspaper and there was this girl that looked like she didn't fit in. I was like why not write a story like that then? So here it is.....
If you like it let me know.
Don't be a silent reader :)
I'd be happy to talk to my readers.

Happy reading!

Love you ( ̄3 ̄)


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