20) ART IV

67 15 4

Greetings! It's the fourth day!


I make myself comfortable and pose on the tall stool. My stomach growls loudly making me flush and Nicolas laugh.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot to feed you" he says getting up from his seat. I scowl and his eyes twinkle in amusement.

"I'll be back" he says leaving me alone in his room. I stand up from the uncomfortable stool and make my way to his bed. I sigh in contentment as soon as I hit his soft covers. I lie down and his cologne mixed with detergent envelopes me. It's comforting and familiar. I close my eyes only to have it wide open to see Mr. Hale peering down at me. I yelp and jump up.

"M-Mr. Hale you scared me" I say placing a hand on my chest.

"I hope you kids are using protection while doing the nasty" he says making me choke.

"I-Its not l-like that Mr. Hale" I say after my coughing fit.

"You can call me Roger when we're not in school Heidi and you being clothed only in his shirt sure says otherwise" he says giving me an amused chuckle. I flush and try to to pull down the shirt more.

"I'm just posing as his model for his art project" I mumble. "Naked?!" he exclaims making me turn scarlet while I shake my head vigorously.

"Roger! Why are you here?" Nicolas comes in holding a plate of sandwiches.

"Well considering this is my house..." he drawls his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Yes I know that but stop pestering Heidi. She's only helping me and nothing else." Roger smirks at this.

"Before I know it she'll be getting naked for you willingly." I look at him with my jaw hanging and anger seeping through my veins.

"Roger please get out" Nicolas sighs.

"I would never do that! What do you take me for!" I yell and instantly close my mouth when I realise I just yelled at my teacher although he should never have said those things.

"Hey! Calm down. I'm just fooling around" he says amiably. I look away not ready to forgive him soon.

"Get out" Nicolas reiterates. "Rude" Roger pouts. "Please" Nicolas says making him sigh and leave but not before he apologises to me again.

I don't say a word. I guess this is what it is. I'm a slut now in everyone's eyes. I don't even know anymore if I deserve all this.

"I'm sorry about Roger. He's only joking Heids" Nicolas says gently as he touches my thigh. I shiver under his warm touch. I look at him and his emerald eyes are soft with concern swirling in it. I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Heidi?" he says softly as he leans closer to me.

"Everyone thinks I'm a whore, a bitch" I choke out trying to hold back my tears.

"No! Heidi don't let what others think affect you. If you think about what everyone thinks about you then you will always live your life drowning in bitterness and worry. You should trust in yourself. Heidi you are beautiful inside out and you should learn to accept it. Even though you're bitter about how life's treated you I know once you learn to love yourself you will truly see how beautiful you are. You will be stronger someday Heidi. You will because I'll help you" he holds my face gently as his gentle yet strong words seep into my mind.

I feel the wetness on my cheeks but all I can see are his sea green eyes that have so much emotion in them. I can't help but lean forward and kiss his lips.
He freezes at my touch and I stop moving my lips as soon as I come to my senses. But before I pull away he's cupping my cheeks and kissing back. I still feel the tears dripping but all I can concentrate on his warm pulsing lips moving against mine. He pulls me closer till I am sitting on his lap straddling him. He kisses me gently as his hands stroke my thighs sometimes reaching my sides. My hands tangle in his hair which makes him kiss me harder. I tremble under his touch and I moan softly when I feel his tongue on my lips. I open my mouth slowly and I almost groan at how amazing it feels. I've never been kissed this way before and I feel something fiery churning in my stomach. His fingers are under my shirt gripping my hips as he presses me against him making me moan some more.

I break away in need of air but when I see the look in Nicolas' eyes that reminds me how Marcus had looked at me that night I break free from his hold and move away.

"I-I........I'm sorry! I didn't know what came over me. I just....I....."
Nicolas sighs his shoulders drooping but somehow he gives me a soft smile.
"It's okay. I know you were vulnerable and I should have stopped you. I should be the one to say sorry" he says dropping his head as he refuses to look at me.

Silence hangs in the air as I try to compose myself.

"Um lets go back to that art project of yours. You need to finish it right?" I say trying my best to avoid the thick tension in the air.

"Yeah, yeah I do" he says in a dull voice and we go to our positions and he does his work without another word. I just have to ruin everything in my path. I just hope he doesn't have feelings for me that I just crushed, but then again how could anyone like a person like me?


Hehehe! They kissed at last right but I want to make something clear. Heidi is not in love with Nicolas. She's in love with Marcus. She just feels attraction towards Nico which is not love. Infatuation and Love are two very different things although I wish it were the same. Life would have been easier. Heidi was just very sad and looking for comfort though she might have thought of kissing Nico once or twice ;*

QUESTION : Do you think Nicolas is in love with Heidi or is it just infatuation or is it just that he really really likes her?

If I could I would kiss each and every person that reads my book.
*kissy face*

I need you guys to:

Love and Kisses,
hanabi 🐱 .

A/N: I just realized my make out scenes are not that good. I don't know. I'm kind of awkward so yeah I can't describe it that well. Should I make it detailed or what? Suggestions anyone?

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