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I look at myself and cringe. "Trinity I.." I start to say but I'm cut off by her. "No no no! I will not hear it Heidi Eleanor Murray. You look hot and that's it." I sigh and follow her out of the room.

"Woah" Marcus whistles. I blush and bite my lip. "See" Trinity all but gushes as she goes to his side and places her hand on his chest as he places his hand on her waist. My insides twist as I fake a smile.

"Now lets go to my place cause I need to wear my partay suit" Trinity says making Marc look at her like she's crazy. "You're wearing a suit? You have a "partay suit"??" he asks making air quotes. Trini rolls her eyes and flicks his forehead. "You dweeb" she says playfully. I laugh trying not to throw up at the sight of them. "Guys lets just go before you go PG 13 on me" I say leading the way out as I grab my trench coat.

"Heidi Eleanor you are not wearing that hideous coat!" Trinity shouts but I ignore her and run down my stairs as fast as I can in my four inch heels. Yet another gift from Trinity. I always seem to be faking it when I'm around my so called best friends.


Benny Benassi's 'Dance The Pain Away' plays as Marcus and Trinity go to the dance floor to grind against each other. They had tried to include me but I had refused. I want to laugh at the song cause its so damn ironic. My whole damn life is based on irony.

"Can you give me a shot of Tequila?" I ask the bartender. He nods and soon enough he places it in front of me with half a lime and salt. I stare at the arrangement before me. I have never had Tequila before but to stop my dam from breaking I want to take refuge in alcohol. Its probably not a good idea but I just need some other distraction. I just want to forget for a while. I want the alcohol to burn my throat to make me forget about the wound in my heart. I want to fly away for sometime. I have already been groveling in the dust for too long.

So I do it like in the movies. I lick the salt and down the shot after which I suck on the lime wincing at the bitter taste. I almost smile as the alcohol makes its scorching path down my throat. A low buzz lights up my body as I down the next shot. I really should have stopped after the second shot but my body seems to like the idea of drowning in alcohol.

I don't know how and when but I find myself dancing with Marcus. I know it's wrong to be dancing with him with me pressed up to him but I don't care at the moment. I grind against him as I sway my hips to some unknown beat. He suddenly turns me around and really looks at me. His eyes look dark or maybe it's just the lighting. He leans in so close that I feel his hot breath on my lips. Before I say something he smashes his lips on mine. My breath hitches and I feel like I've just dunked my head in an icy bucket full of water. My heart thumps wildly in my chest when he holds my waist and brings me closer. I have a feeling I'm hallucinating but I don't give a damn as I thread my fingers through his hair and kiss him back as heatedly.

Just as I felt his tongue trying to find entrance he pulls away from me. I open my eyes and frown. Marcus looks at me with confused glazed eyes. I look to the side and finally notice that it was Trinity who pulled him off me. My throat feels dry as a cold shiver runs down my back. Trinity does not look like the sweet girl she is. A sneer marrs her face as she looks at me with disgust.

"Trinity I ...." I start to say trying not to slur my words. "No! Don't you say another word Heidi!" she cries out. "I thought you were my friend. You're supposed to be my best friend, but you always have to take away everything that's mine. Seriously Heidi!? Marcus is MY boyfriend Heidi. He might be your best friend first and he may be closer to you but he chose me to be his girlfriend. Can't you just lay off!" she shouts as tears start streaming down her face. I stare at her in shock. People have started noticing as they stare at me. I look at Marcus who has this pained expression but he does nothing to stop Trinity from abusing me.

"You're a bitch you know that? You have everything that I don't have. I hate you! I wish you could just fucking let me be. Marcus chose me over you. Deal with it you skank!" she goes on hurting me more. "Trinity I don't understand" I choke out. "Oh please stop before you make everyone believe you're the victim. You're not that innocent. You fucking have everything. You're freaking perfect and you don't even have to live up to anyone's expectations. Oh but of course I screwed up your perfect life. Well guess what? I'm glad I did you selfish bitch. Marcus loves me and not you. Don't you get it?!"

I look at Marcus but he's got his head down like he does not want to look at me. I sob and he looks at me but he just shakes his head like he made a mistake to even look at me. "Goodbye Heidi" Trinity says as she drags Marcus away and they don't look back. Not even once.

My heart has broken into a million pieces and it seems like I've already lost some pieces. I lost them both. I fucking lost my only friends who I thought cared. I sob as I tug on my hair. I slump on the ground and I don't even care at all the people staring. It feels like I'm in a nightmare from which I will never get up. I just cry and cry as I curl up on the floor.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't leave. Please.......... I'm so sorry.


Did you cry? I'm sure you didn't but it sure was painful for Heidi don't you think?

QUESTION : Do you guys think Trinity has been a b.... I mean a  bad person from the start or do you think what she did was justifiable?

Important :
I just wanted to tell you dear readers that trying to solve problems with alcohol is wrong especially if you're underage. This is just a fictional story and they got into the club by fake IDs [of course]. You can sneak into adult clubs but dear friends please remember that alcohol is not a solution.

You guys rock my world!


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