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Dedicated to zarahannah2 because she's so freaking fantastic. Her covers are life. Check out her book Purpose. It slays.

Nico moves forward and the lady squeals as she throws her hands around him. "My baby!" she kisses his face while Nico tries to dodge her. "Mom stop" he whines and I grin unconsciously at his voice. I don't think I've ever heard him whine.

"Couldn't you have come visit me sooner boy" she scolds. I'm in a state of shock at the moment. She looks way too young to be Nico's mom, but now since I'm seeing them together I can slowly see the similarities. They have the same dark locks and same long nose. Although they have different coloured eyes they look alike a lot.

"Mom that's Heidi" he says flicking his eyes towards me. "Heidi this is my mother Marcella Gray" he says smiling slightly at her. "And those are her friends Marcus and Trinity" he finishes. We exchange greetings and pleasantries. Marc and Trini look over enthusiastic as they desperately try to hold her attention and I start to understand that Nico's mom is not just some random designer. Mrs. Gray nods her head politely but she soon looks my way and stretches her lips into an easy smile. She looks stunning.

"Do you know Nick this is such a perfect coincidence! I just met Heidi the day before at Henri's exhibition." I wince at the nickname my father now seems to go by. "I never expected her to be so beautiful. My, my you're quite a looker Heidi" she says and I don't know whether to thank her or be suspicious at her flattery. I smile politely at her while Trinity and Marcus pouts at the loss of Mrs. Gray's attention. I stare at them and they stick out their tongues at me in unison. They could be telekinetic twins for all I know. Wouldn't that be incest though? I'm sure they would have made that work as well. I shudder at my disturbing thoughts.

"Thank you Mrs. Gray."

"Oh Heidi dear call me Marcella. I feel so old when you call me Mrs. Gray" I nod my head agreeing to whatever she says.

"Mom did you say Henri's back?" my head whips up to stare at Nico. He knows my father? "Yes he's back but I don't know for how long. In fact he's here at the moment. Didn't you see one of his paintings at the entrance?" my mouth goes dry and I feel light headed. My father's here and I don't know how I should be feeling about it.

"Oh there he is! Henri! Henri!" my body grows rigid as my breathing falters.  Everyone turns in the direction my father supposedly is coming from.
No, I can't meet him. I can't.
"Marcy" his voice is soft and scratchy just like I remember. I shut my eyes trying to ignore the huge hole in my heart. "Nicolas I didn't know you were here" his voice sounds happy. Nicolas grins and goes to shake his hand. I refuse to look their way. "Oh Henri you must meet Nico's delightful friend" her voice hits the walls of head. My head is spinning. Marcella wounds her slender arms around my right arm and pulls me towards them. I gulp trying to get moisture back in my mouth.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" he says. He doesn't recognize me. I flinch as he reaches out for my hand to shake it. I look up quickly to see his brown eyes swimming in confusion. He looks the same but now his face has slight wrinkles. His hair is shorter yet he has the same kind of clothes I last saw him in: a light button up and a pair of faded black jeans. I want to jump into his arms like I used to but I press my fingernails into the soft palms of my hands. The slight pain gives me satisfaction.

"Heids I forgot to tell you about Henri didn't I? He's my mother's childhood friend. They grew up together in New York before he moved away. He is like a hotshot artist here. His paintings are literally sold for thousands of dollars." he smiles at my father who hits the back of his head jovially. "Now, now Nicolas" he tuts. He looks happy and healthy. He looks broader than he was thirteen years ago.I can't help but feel a bitter taste on my tongue to see him happy. He left us yet he's happy? I still love him but I can feel the pent up anger clawing at the walls of my chest.

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