18) ART II

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Yes, it's day two.


My sessions with Nicolas started on Monday. I go over to his place after school. It starts at four and ends at six. Yesterday was the first day. My whole body aches and I flush at the memory.

He let me move only after those twenty minutes. I ran to the bathroom after making Nicolas fall into a hysterical fit. I'm going to make sure that does not happen again.
He worked on the painting for twenty minutes after which he would give me a ten minute break after which I had to go back to the same position.

Today is the second day and I so am not looking forward to it. I try to concentrate on the lecture Mr. Hale is giving but all my mind can think of is the Deal. I keep thinking if I made the right decision by trusting Nicolas. I don't know a thing about him and yet it was so easy for me to trust him. All I want is to be with Marcus and to be happy for once. I guess you have to work for your happiness and love. No one said it was easy. Life is hard.

I sigh in relief when the lecture ends. I walk out with Henley by my side blabbering about how she adored Mr. Hale.

"She's such a bitch" I hear someone say as they pass by me. I look back and feel my insides twist when I see two girls giving me dirty looks.

"Boyfriend stealer" some other girl taunts me as she walks past giving me a horrible smirk. My heart thumps and I taste the bile in my mouth.

"I ship you and Marcus!" a brunette shrieks in a loud voice as soon as she spots me. I look at her with wide eyes. "Yeah! Go Team Heikus!" her friend yells giving me a smile.

"Oh boy! Looks like you got even more popular" Crimson says excitedly. I looks at her with a frown.

"I hope you don't try to steal my boyfriend" a blonde girl holding a guy's arm tells me and I look at her in shock. "But babe I ship Team Heikus" he drawls. I stare at them in horror as they walk away like I was not just standing there in front of them with my mouth wide open.

I feel my insides twist as I hear more insults hurled at me. "I need to go" I mumble softly to Henley who is giving me a sad look.

"Are you okay Heidi? Do you want me to come with you?" she asks. "Hey! Back off" she tells a group of girls who were coming my way. They immediately walk away but not before giving me cold glares that makes my heart twist painfully. I deserve it after all. I shouldn't have kissed him like that. I should have pushed him away when he kissed me. "I'll be fine Crimson" I tell her giving her a half smile.

I rub away my tears furiously. I can't stop the tears from falling as if I had some kind of dam locked up but it's now broken. I don't even know why I'm crying. I deserve it but deep inside I know it was not my fault that kiss. I look around and thank my stars that no one is around to see me in this state. I'm at the parking lot sitting in between two cars on the pavement. I hope no one comes here anytime soon


I almost smack my forehead on the cemented sidewalk. Why does this happen to me?

I start crying harder when I see how much bad luck I have. I had asked to be alone but things never go according to what I want now does it?

"Heidi what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Nicolas bends down and holds up my face as he wipes my tears with his soft fingers.

"Everyone hates me a-and I guess I deserve that but why...why does it hurt so much? I haven't done anything bad have I? I can't just stop loving him now can I?" I ramble as tears roll down my cheeks. Nicolas clenches his jaws.

"No, no you can't Heidi and it's not your fault. It's just that these people are bored and have nothing to do and they're jealous. Come on now Heids your stronger than this" he says. "Come here" he holds me and I hug him back as I cry into his shoulder.

He rubs my back soothingly till I calm down. "You wanna get out of here?" he offers. I lift up my head and look at him and nod my head. I sniffle and wipe my remaining tears.

"I'm sorry about your shirt" I say hoarsely as I look at the wet patch on his shoulder. "That's okay" he pulls me up and gives me a small smile.

"Hey Nico can we go to your place?" I ask. He raises his eyebrows questioningly.

"We are going there eventually aren't we and I like your cousin's place. It's cool" I tell him softly. He chuckles and grabs my hand as he pulls me towards his car.

"Anything princess. Hey you called me Nico" he says happily as he faces me again.

"Um..... Maybe I shouldn't have?" Nicolas grins and shakes his head.

"No I like it when you call me that. I don't know it sounds right when you say it" he smirks. I hit him on his arm playfully.

"Stop flirting with me and lets go" I reprimand casually. He chuckles again making my already racing heart race faster than The Flash which was probably not true because I most likely would be dead by now.
"You're really a work of art Heidi. You really are"


Okay.... I know this didn't have Nicolas drawing Heidi but I thought it would be kind of boring to just describe Nico drawing her so I wrote this chapter that is filler-ish.
To apologize or not to apologize that's the question. I think I wont ;p.
I just hoped you liked this chapter and Nico too. *wink,wink*
Haha! I hope there are people who actually ship for Team Heikus (HI-CUSS). I know it's kind of a lame ship name but yeah I'm apparently bad at inventing ship names along with story descriptions.

QUESTION : Do you think Nicolas has feelings for Heidi?


Day 3 will be up tomorrow!!

You know those magical three words,

Yours truly,
hanabi 🐱 .

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