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The beeping sound of the alarm made me groan and roll over. The other side of the bed is cold and empty. It hits me and I'm more awake then ever. Of course he wouldn't be here. He's gone with an ocean between us. I can't be sad today though. I absolutely can't.

I take a long warm shower and pick out a white dress that hugs my curves in an appealing fashion. I grab my grey blazer and a pair of heels to match. I smile at my reflection. I like how my skin is glowing. I look good and the ox blood lipstick accentuates my curved lips. I'm not the insecure girl I used to be anymore. I'm a confident woman that knows what she wants. This Poster Girl as I used be known has come a long way.

"Good morning dad" I wish him as I settle down in the long dining table.

"Morning Heidi. Is my son coming today?"

"Yes he is." He nods his head and after our breakfast we head out for work.

A reminder pings up on my phone reminding me of the wedding tomorrow. I feel a warm surge of joy as I swipe my screen. Xia has been stressing all this week but Marcus is as cool as a cucumber. I can't believe the two of them are finally tying the knot. They struggled together for eight years and they finally made it. I'm so happy for them. As for my ex best friend Trinity she's married some hotshot business tycoon and from what I've heard she's pregnant with her second baby. All's well that ends well I guess. We're going to be meeting soon and I hope she's happy now. I know I am.

My phone rings and I sigh loudly when I see it's Henley. "What's up?" I ask her but all I hear are screams.

"Henley! Hello? Henley what's happening?"

"Heidi! Oh God...... I think my water just broke and Jared's gone to get groceries. Shit it hurts!" she starts screaming again.

"Oh no.... Henley just breathe. Couldn't you just call Jared? I mean I'm a thousand miles away. Henley breathe okay. I'm gonna call Jared..."

"Henley babe did you want butter popcorn or butter cookies because you just wrote....... Holy shit are you okay!" I relax when I hear Jared's voice. I can hear Henley crying and Jared freaking out.

"Oh fuck! Who's on the phone?" and after a second his voice is in my ears.


"Hey Jared I need you to calm down. Take Henley to your car carefully and drive to the hospital as soon as possible. It looks like she's already gone into labour. Don't worry the baby won't be here too soon and the hospital's only two minutes away so go now okay?"

"Okay, okay..... I'm going to be a father!"

"Please celebrate later and hurry now Jared."

"Okay. I'll call you later. Thanks Heidi" he says and hangs up. I sink in my seat after I stuff my phone in my handbag.

"Mike take me to the airport please" I tell my chauffeur who nods his head.

"Change of plans Miss Heidi?"

"Yeah don't worry I'll give the old man a call" I say as I relax into my seat more. I'm scared for some reason but the excitement I feel is greater. My heart thumps wildly and I can't help the smile that stretches across my face.


The man has a disheveled look but it suits him perfectly. His tie is loosened and his top button is open. The black suit looks expensive but he doesn't seem to mind that it's slightly creased. He looks around his eyes wide and bright under the morning sun streaming through the large glass walls. He hikes up an office bag up his shoulders and pulls a blue suitcase across the polished grey floors. He nearly knocks into me when I accidently walk up too close to him.

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