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Dedicated to Nyx_ssa because I kind of copied your idea of having interviews with the characters. Sorry 😝. But seriously who ever is reading this check out her book It's Not Hers it's so friggin awesome. You'll be hooked.

I walk alongside Nicolas as we make our way to the museum. We haven't had a proper conversation and it's starting to annoy the crap out of me. Trinity was delighted when I asked her if I could invite a friend. Marcus had a suspicious look on his face while Trinity asked me if my friend was a female or a male after wiggling her eyebrows like a little kid. I had blushed for some reason making Trinity and Marcus both lean forward to hear what it was. I told them it was a surprise at the end. Both of them groaned at those for two different reasons. I wonder if Marcus felt jealous but who am I kidding?

"Nico we need to talk" I tell him but he keeps up his pace not even sparing me a look. "What's there to talk about?" he asks making me grit my teeth. I don't know what the matter with him is. "What's wrong with you? You can't just ignore this forever okay Nicolas. I'm sorry that you like a person like me but we need to set up boundaries" I ramble. I hit my nose on his back when he suddenly freezes.

"What the...?" I start to say but he whirls around so fast that it has me reeling. "Boundaries you say huh? I get it. I absolutely get it. You don't have to worry about me trying to touch you ever again so just drop it okay" his harsh words makes my heart ache painfully. His eyes are cold and misty. I have never seen him so upset. It makes me want to hold him but I was the one to try and distance him away wasn't I? I wince when he turns back around and starts walking briskly leaving me behind with his long strides. The streets are busy and crowded with people jostling past each other to get to some place or the other.

One minute I am bumped into a shoulder and the other minute I lose sight of Nicolas. I try to get my bearings but there are groups of people pushing past me. I look around but I'm pushed forward with the crowd to some place I don't know. I try to find the tall brunette but it's like he's been drowned in the sea of people. My heart starts accelerating and my palm starts sweating. What am I to do? After another minute I'm hyper ventilating. Everywhere I look I see nothing and no one I recognize. Tears cloud my vision making me stumble. "Hey! Watch it!" someone pushes me making me fall on the ground. I wince at the burning in my palm. No-one helps me up they just continue walking like as if there isn't a full grown human lying on the floor hurt. I sniffle and push myself up. I've never felt so alone as I just sit on the ground and look up at the sliver of blue above the skyscrapers. People give me annoyed looks as the try to avoid me.

"Heidi!" I hear someone scream and I jump up. I am so relieved when I see Nicolas pushing past the crown trying his best to reach me. It's like he's swimming across tumultuous waves trying to reach the drowning me. A huge smile suddenly overcomes my countenance. I can't help it and I surge forward towards him pushing people apart. I don't even bother apologizing. I just need to get to Nico.

He has me in my arms the moment I touch his outstretched fingers. I revel in the warmth and comfort he offers. His entire form draping over my smaller one cocooning me against the world. I have never felt so safe. He pulls away suddenly like as if he was struck by lightning leaving me breathless and confused. "Nico.... I start to say but he shakes his head. "I'm sorry for touching you. I know I make you uncomfortable but I was really worried. Sorry" he said looking away like as if it is difficult to even look at me.

I shake my head furiously and launch myself into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck. He stumbles back but he holds unto my waist just in time. "I was so scared" I whisper clutching his neck. He squeezes my waist and holds me to his chest. "You make me uncomfortable sometimes but I'm only myself when I'm around you Nico. You should know that. You're a special person and I'm not letting you go so easily. Don't ever leave me okay?" I say inhaling his scent. His scent always calms me and I don't know what kind of a mess I would have been if it weren't for Nico. He is really a special person. He might not know it but he makes me want to be brave.

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