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"Heidi E. Murray"

"Here" I half scream as I run into class in the nick of time. Mr. Hale, my Lit. professor eyes me as I squirm under his silver eyed scrutiny. He's relatively younger than most professors and not at all bad looking and I try not to blush under his gaze. "You're late" is all he says in a deep voice.

"Yes I am aware Sir. It won't happen again" I say with so much confidence I never knew resided within me. He quirks up an eyebrow and I can't help but flush. "I hope Miss Murray. Take a seat" he says with a crooked half smile. I quickly nod my head and mumble a quick thank you as I make my way to one of the empty seats in the last row.

"Now then let's begin class. I am Mr Roger Hale and I am going to be teaching you....." he drones on when I hear a voice sigh. I look to my right to see a girl with crimson hair. "Isn't he hot" she says as she twirls a strand of her short hair. "Well he's not bad looking... " I trail off as she looks at me with dreamy grey eyes. "I want to lick his abs" she says quite seriously.
"How do you know he has abs?" I say a bit too loudly. A few heads turn back and I turn the colour of her hair. "I might have stalked him on Facebook" she continues unaffected.

"So you're saying you stalk old men on Facebook in your free time?"

"No silly just him and he's like only just 30. I mean who hasn't heard of him?" Before I answer a "Not me" a deep voice cuts through the room. "Miss Pierce and Miss Murray if you had the intention of coming to college only to chat then I'm afraid this is no place for your idle chit chat."

After that we pretty much kept shut. "The name's Henley by the way" she told me as I packed away my copy of 'Anna Karenina'. "Heidi." I tell her giving her a small smile.

"So what class do you have now" she says trying to catch up with me. She's tall but still shorter than me. "Um Religion" I say trying to concentrate on the route to my next class. "Omg I have the same class! Did you by any chance take up Journalism as your major?" she squeals. I stop in my tracks and she nearly stumbles. "Yes but how do you know that?" I ask.

"Cause....me too" she squeals again showing me her schedule. Great. I'm going to be stuck with her all semester. Ah well. "Fine. Let's go. I don't want to be late again" I say in a bored tone. She laughs as I continue walking. I look back to see her at the same spot just staring at me with those mischievous grey eyes.

"Are you coming Crimson?" I ask. She just shakes her head in amusement at the nickname and jogs towards me as I once again move foward.

To new beginnings.


Yes it is a new beginning! I hope you guys enjoy as the story unravels further.



Very few people have read this and I sometimes feel like I'm talking to a wall but I hope that some day when I have more readers they will answer my questions and give me lots of votes :) I can only hope.

QUESTION : Do you think Heidi is being mean to Henley? Do any of you like her?

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