24) NO WAY

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"What? Why?" my voice comes out panicked. He shrugs and plays with his wristwatch.

"I want to meet Mom so I can go with you right?"

"Oh yeah sure" I say. I don't want to stop him from seeing his mother. Family is important after all.

"I want you to meet her too" he says making me look at him in surprise. "Really?" I ask and he smiles. "Yeah" he replies. I don't know why but I feel a warmth seep into my stomach laced with slight fear. "Do you think she'll like me?" I can't help but ask. "Of course Heids. She'll love you" he answers settling my fraying nerves a bit.

"So um do you want to meet my friends?"

"After you fix things" he adds.

"Yes of course" I say twisting in my seat making him smirk.

"I need to go" Nico says suddenly as he stands up to leave. I can't help but feel a little disappointed at that. I feel lonely in this empty house sometimes and company is a luxury for me, but I don't tell him that. "Thanks for coming" I say softly. He smiles and leans forward to kiss my forehead. "I'll see you" he says before leaving. I hear the door click but I remain frozen to the spot. I rub my forehead to rid it of the burning electricity. What was that?


"Is that all?" Nicolas asks as he motions to the small suitcase beside me. "Yes I'm only going there for a week Nicolas. I don't think I need to pack my entire wardrobe" I roll my eyes as he chuckles and lifts the suitcase to put it in his trunk. I watch his biceps move under his grey button down shirt that he's folded up to his elbows surreptitiously. Darn. "Easy with the sarcasm Heids. I'm still sore after you ignored me all those days" my cheek immediately heats up in embarrassment. "Shut up" I huff as I get into his passenger's seat.

An hour later we are here and I feel the butterflies jumping about in my belly. I take a deep breath as I follow Nico inside the airport. I look up and the roof looks like its miles away. It makes me feel so inconsequential. "Heids" Nico calls and I gulp as I catch up to him again.

After another hour and a half I find myself boarding the plane with Nico. I feel the nerves as my heart beats erratically. It's my first time on a plane and I'm terrified. Nico accompanies me to my seat but he eventually moves up in front after giving me an apologetic smile. It was difficult enough to get a ticket on the same plane since Marcus had already booked my ticket but Nicolas somehow managed it.

I take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. "First time?" I hear a perky voice to my side. She smiles brightly at me her blonde bangs reminding me of Trinity when she was younger. "Yeah" I breathe out. "You're going to be alright don't worry. I mean it's a bit scary when it takes off or lands but other than that you should be fine" I stare at her wondering how that information could help me overcome my nerves when it made me much more frightened.

"Excuse me?" I look up in surprise to see Nicolas standing over us. The girl who doesn't look much older than us looks up at him. "Y-yes?" she stutters her cheeks turning a bright pink. Well what do you know he has that effect on all kinds of females. I huff indignantly. "Hi. I was just wondering if we could switch seats. You see my girlfriend is flying for the first time and she's a bit nervous" he smiles sweetly at the girl while I open my mouth in shock. He gives me a look to play along and I close my mouth and look away. I'm terrified to be honest. Being thousands of feet above the ground did kind of unsettle me. I don't have a phobia or anything but since I'm flying for the first time its a bit disconcerting.

The blonde looks between us as her eyes widen. "Oh!" she squeals "That's so cute. I mean sure you can sit here." She scrambles up and gives me a sly smile. I want to scowl but instead I give her a slight smile. "Thank you" Nicolas tells her but she waves her hand and walks up to his seat.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask turning to him with a scowl. What I don't expect is a flash to go off blinding me.

"What the?"

"I want to record your terrified expressions for future reference" he says nonchalantly as he holds up his phone recording me.

I hit his arm hard giving him the coldest look I can muster. He rubs his arm while he gives me an exaggerated hurt expression. I turn away from him folding my arms not planning to talk to him for the entire ride.

I fumble with the seat belt when the sign comes on but I can't figure out the stupid contraption. Nicolas leans over and does it pulling at it to tighten it. I can smell the faint scent of his shampoo as he fixes the belt. I feel the slight blush when he looks up at me his green eyes twinkling. "Shut up" I mumble as I push his head away. "But I didn't say anything Heidi" his deep voice makes me want to jump off the darned plane to wither away in mortification.

I grip the armrest as the plane speeds up making me lean back involuntarily. Nicolas grabs my hand easing my grip as he interlaces our fingers but I'm too freaked out to reprimand him. I clutch his hand tighter as I feel the plane tilt making my stomach uneasy.

For a minute it feels like we're just floating before the plane tilts further up. I feel the nausea when the plane tilts to the side making our side dip lower and the other side dip higher.

I close my eyes and I hear Nico trying to comfort me. He strokes my knuckles with his thumb soothingly and I just concentrate on his warm voice. Before I know it we're up above the clouds and the aircraft is back to the position it first was. I sigh in relief as the sign above shows us that it's okay to open our seatbelt. I immediately rip open the seatbelt and sink into my seat, my heart finally settling into its normal rhythm.

"Did you enjoy it?" Nico teases me making me scowl.

"No freaking way."


I still feel like I haven't got to the main part of the story yet. I dunno I'm getting there..... Maybe?
I will complete this story though come heaven or hell.

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