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It's prom night and I'm drunk. Guess I had a little too much of that punch. I giggle at my date who's looking at me with amorous eyes. He seems to be moving in closer and closer to me. He doesn't smell half as good as Marc. He's not Marc after all. I move away before he gets any closer.

"Awe, come on Heidi. Live a little." Ronald's husky voice makes me look his way again. I give him a disgusted look. What a clićhed thing to say.

"No I don't want to live Ron. Dying seems like a better thing to do. I like to die a little." The bastard has the nerve to laugh at me. I roll my eyes as I completely lean away from him. Why couldn't he be a normal date who is kind and pleasant instead of just trying to get in my pants or more accurately pantyhose.

I actually look pretty good tonight. Infact I know I'm looking hot and that's something you don't see everyday. My lame waves are looking soft and is up in an intricate twist. My dress is a light blue lace gown with a tight fitting bodice that flows from the waist to my toes. For once I don't look gawky and awkward. I've got my contacts on and for once my eyes don't itch. For once I feel beautiful.

I honestly had not planned to attend because I knew Marcus and Trinity would be going together and it just plain hurt. The three of us were supposed to go to some club to get crazy drunk. It was a pact we made which was broken as easily. I didn't say anything about it. I kept quiet while they decided what they were going to wear or whether or not a limo should be hired. For my part I planned on spending the night watching random chick flicks or Gadget Man on Discovery Science while gorging on junk food.

My dream of an awesome night of couch potato-ness was soon shattered by my best friend Trini who thought it best to get me a date for prom. It was just my luck that Ronald Faith was now single as a pringle and it just so happened that I had had a slight crush on him during freshman year when we were partnered up in Chemistry. Mind the word 'slight' because who could forget my more than huge crush on my very own BFF Marcus Walters.

I never had a chance with Ronald though.
First, we were on very different levels of the food chart. He was a jock and I was a drama nerd(a nerd in general).
Secondly, he dated preppy cheerleaders while I dated no one because I was just that lame.

My perfect best friend thought that this crush on him was serious and tried to "comfort" me when he started dating Stacy Haynes (a preppy cheerleader). Thus proving my point. The only Good thing that came out of this was that Marc actually got jealous. He always used to grumble when I started rambling about how hot Ronald was. He used to say "What the heck do you see in that guy? He's just a piece of Shit." But now he thought it was okay that I went to prom with him? That sucked.

I was surprised when Ronald actually said yes when I asked him. I didn't want to ask him in the first place but then I thought why stay home like a loser. Why not do something spontaneous? So here I am looking hot with a hot guy on my arm but not quite as satisfied.

I look up as a slow song comes on and I can see them dancing with their arms around each other as their eyes sparkle. They look so happy and it's not fair. When do I get to be happy? When will he love me back? My eyes tear up. I feel disgusted at how I am pitying myself.

I feel a warm hand on my bare arm and I look at Ron who's giving me a sad smile. "Come on Murray let's dance. It is Senior Prom afterall." he says as he pulls me up. I just nod and follow him to the dance floor. He holds me close as we sway to an Ed Sheeran song. Thinking Out Loud used to be a favourite but the song only makes me bitter because what was supposed to be our song has become their song.
Cause baby we found love right where we are.
It was supposed to be you and I Marcus.

I press up more against Ronald which was a fatal mistake. His hot breath is on my ear as he tells me in his husky voice "I can make you forget him". I look up to see a crooked smirk on his face. That turned me off pretty soon. One minute he's kind and the next minute he's just another hormonal teen wanting some action.

I try to break apart but he doesn't get the message. His hand slips all the way down to squeeze my butt as he holds me tight. I forcefully push his chest and slap him. Tears burn my eyes as people around us stop dancing and look at us. Maybe I took this too far. Ronald looks at me surprised but a scowl soon overcomes his perfect features and his words slice my heart.

"You're really something aren't you Heidi Murray. You give me mixed signals but you push me away. All you are is a bitter and selfish bitch who doesn't have an ounce of self dignity." Tears of embarrassment and hurt are already rolling down my cheeks when he pushes past me uttering the B-word again for good measure.

I stumble but a pair of slender arms engulfs me in an embrace. I identity Trinity's scent. She's shorter than me so I had to bend to hug her back as I sobbed inconsolably as she whispered consoling words in my ear. I hear a commotion so I look back and see that Marcus has Ronald pinned against the wall and he seems to be shouting. I've never seen him so angry. Marcus punches Ronald and moves in to hit him more but is stopped by the other guys who try to calm him down. He still looks so angry.

He looks back to catch my eyes and his eyes soften almost immediately. My sight becomes bleary but I can make out his figure making his way towards me. I stumble forward and he catches me in his arms and he hugs me so tight and everything seems so good and right. It's just me and him. I cry into his chest and take in all his scent.

My legs wobble and he lifts me up before my legs give way. He carries me all the way to our rented limo but I just don't care as I clutch on to his shirt and cry some more. I don't even realize we're in the limo and that I'm still on his lap holding on so tight until he says my name.

"Heidi" his voice is warm and familiar but I don't budge. "Come on now H. I'm sorry you had to go though that. I told you what a piece of Shit he was." I nod slightly. I look up to see his beautiful face. His eyes have nothing but Love in them, but why isn't he mine then?

He smiles and then kisses my forehead and tells me "We're forever going to remember this Prom now aren't we?". I smile but I want this Prom to be something more so I move in and capture his lips in mine.


I'm really proud of this chapter and I don't know why. So.... I think either  Jake Abel or Lucas Till should be perfect to be cast as Marcus. What do you think?
A penny for your suggestions?

QUESTION : Does anyone like Ronald?

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